Prayer For The Protection Of The Souls Of Humanity

Blessings Soul Family!

By now you've watched my recent Oracle Talks where the Holy Spirit directed me to address the attacks on the Souls of Humanity. (If you didn't see it, watch The Fight For The Souls Of Humanity: The Holy Spirit Speaks video for context.)

As promised, below you will find an updated protection prayer to use which has been co-created and informed by suggestions from the community. This prayer will remain on the blog for continued reference and ease of sharing with others. 

The conversation regarding the spiritual warfare continues live during the weekly Oracle Talks livestream on the Inner Sun Alchemy YouTube channel

Please share your experiences and insights from Spirit in the comments below! The more information that's circulated, the more precise and effective we can be in caring for ourselves and one another. 

Lastly, the Autumn Equinox is approaching (less than 1 month away!) and I'll be hosting a live channeling event for the 2025 Spiritual New Year on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 8am PT/11am ET. These messages will be directed to the lightworkers. The price for the event is $50 (free for Covenant members) and it will also be recorded and available for purchase. 

How To Use The Prayer:

*Recite the prayer as-is at least once a day for all of humanity.

*Recite the prayer 5 or 10 times every day for your own soul (modify the language as needed).

*Do these recitations for the next 4 moons, i.e. by 4th full moon on November 15th.

Prayer For The Protection Of The Souls Of Humanity

"With the power vested in me by Source, the Parent of my spirit and my soul,

I pray to the Heavenly Realms, Angelic armies, and Guardians for the care and upliftment of the Souls of Humanity, that you

PROTECT the Souls of Humanity from demonic & devilish attacks at the 7th dimension as well as any and all dimensions where this energy has infiltrated and appears in their energetic and etheric bodies; I pray that you

HEAL the areas of weakness in the Souls of Humanity that have been created due to attacks from demonic and devilish beings & forces at the 7th dimension as well as any and all dimensions where this energy has infiltrated and appears in their energetic and etheric bodies; I pray that you

GO ON THE OFFENSIVE to root out, clear, and trample under the hooves of the higher order angelic armies who protect the Souls of Humanity those demonic and devilish beings & forces at the 7th dimension as well as any and all dimensions where this energy has infiltrated and appears in their energetic and etheric bodies; I pray that you

RESTORE that which has been lost, damaged, and stripped from the Souls of Humanity at the 7th dimension as well as any and all dimensions where this energy has infiltrated and appears in their energetic and etheric bodies; and I pray that you

LOOSE the grip and ELIMINATE the strongholds that demonic and devilish beings & forces have on the physical lives and livelihoods of the Souls of Humanity at the 7th dimension as well as any and all dimensions where this energy has infiltrated and appears in their energetic and etheric bodies.

I pray this for the highest and greatest good of Humanity's Souls.


My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle