What role does spirituality play in these times?

Blessings Soul Family! 

I think people have this idea that our spirituality and spiritual practices are there to stop the negative experiences, when they are simply tools to help us experience our humanity in a way that we prefer. As the Buddha stated, “life is suffering”. 

In my early walk of turning to Source, I hated this statement. Why did Life have to be an experience of suffering? Why couldn’t it be peace? Why was there pain? And then as I got older and my walk with Source deepened and I became wise in Life/Nature, I came to an understanding and acceptance. While it’s tempting to jump to “How did you make that leap?” instead the WHAT I did holds the key. 

I kept coming back to Source.

I kept coming back to Source to ask why. To challenge. To cry. To be afraid. To share my anxiety. To be curious. To explore. 

I knew that the answers I was seeking were not going to be found in other people. I knew that once we drilled everything down to its roots, the issue remained the same. (Thank you “Conversations With God). No one (outside of religious folk) was dealing with Life Itself, where we come from, why we exist, etc. And I don’t mean just in an intellectual or especially religious exercise, but an experiential one. Something deeper in me needed the answer. 

I needed That Which Does Not Change.

The Unmoving. The Undifferentiated. The Undivided.

I needed That Which Has No Name, That Which Cannot Be Claimed by a people. 

It is only in a looking back that I realized that my first conscious connection with That (Source) happened back in middle school, not college. And it was also at a time when I had seen enough of the world around me and my experience with it as a poor, Black, 1st generation girl in the South to feel all the frustration, exasperation, anger, sadness, joy, and fear to question why. And it was even then I was steeped in the Bible recognizing that the God at the beginning was the same God throughout was not the same God at the end. (Even then I could see how different Gods came in and out of power and why to this day, I have a love, yet respectful, distance from them. Family tings.) 

I have a tender heart.

I have a whole spirit.

I have a powerful soul.

And I am not unique in this. I see this in everyone around me. Truly. Even if I don't like them or trust them…Spirit speaks. And because I know the root of our suffering is the same, I can only point to the place we must go–back to the beginning–if we’re going to ‘suffer’ less. 

That is the work of Inner Sun Alchemy®.

That is the assignment of “culture change through consciousness change”. 

We have all the tools of co-creation.

We need ourselves.

My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle