Turning The Wheel of Karma

Blessings Soul Family! 

Have you been noticing that things might not be working as they used to? As the human collective walks through a time of great transformation, we are sitting with the task of making our dreams (hopes, visions) a reality. However, what seems to be making this time more challenging to deal with are the questions:

What is just a dream?

What is a soul desire VS what is a projection of society’s ideas?

These questions may seem like they’re so big, but really they’re not. The ‘bigness’ feeling comes because we don’t realize yet what we’re looking at. We think we’re facing something new, but what’s really happening is a deep, existential fear is being woken up inside of us that we are all too familiar with. 

We are in a time, collectively and individually, where we’re being shown the illusion, delusion, and superficiality of what we’ve been seeking. We are also seeing more clearly that which is our true soul desire…which has remained amidst the other options; and most importantly (albeit less attended to), an open door or perspective to new possibilities for the expression of soul desires. It’s this last part in particular that can highlight a sense of grief because considering something new means saying goodbye to something old. Logically, we can understand that it doesn't mean that what we’re walking away from is bad, rather that… 

  1. We will lose something familiar which has been with us for years and we’ve gotten used to having it–unrequited or not–next to us, and 

  2. We will need to put ourselves in a risky situation–an unknown playground–in order to pursue other avenues.

Whereas we could by default be open and excited for a new discovery, instead our animal body wisdom kicks in and activates a fearful, hypervigilant response. Going into the unknown, trying something new, exploring, or experimenting means DANGER. 

So, how do we liberate ourselves from this fear response that can keep us shackled in inaction? In two ways.

First ~

You must prioritize yourself. I refer to this as reclaiming soul sovereignty. Inevitably when at this junction in life, we conveniently let the care and respect of ourselves go out the window. We don’t go to bed at the time our body wants us to instead succumbing to external pressure or ridicule, or we’ll use entertainment or social media to numb ourselves. We might stop being intentional about the food we eat and lean to the extremes of restriction, no boundaries, or ‘healthifying’ everything. And of course, we can’t forget letting our spiritual cultivation practices fall off. When was the last time we simply sat with ourselves in meditation? Are we strengthening our aura? Have we talked with our crystal allies lately? Finally, we may disregard the importance of creative play and expressions such as coloring, painting, listening to new music, reading books for pleasure, dancing, etc. 

These areas of reclaiming our soul sovereignty provide us with a solid base that balances out our mind, emotions, and body. In this space we feel more relaxed and can more easily listen to our own spirit–our intuition–speaking to us. This is vital in consideration of the next step…

Second ~

Self-inquiry. Are there other pathways to get what we want? What is required? What are the benchmarks along the way? The consideration of the world in which we live AND the options available to us inform this step. And this may be where we encounter even more fear or resistance. 

We may feel unwilling to ‘play the game’ of this world in which we live. Why is that? I assert that it’s because we do not trust that we will remain true and respectful of ourselves in the process. In essence, we judge ourselves for disavowing our soul sovereignty, betraying ourselves, not listening to our inner wisdom, or losing ourselves in another as we’ve done in the past. Or possibly we believe that we are only what we do or what we accomplish. 

Whatever the reason for the fear and resistance, these two areas (soul sovereignty and self-inquiry) are under our control and where we can exercise our power. 

The longer we stay in a state of indecision and inaction, the harsher this experience of transformation will be.

It is time to take the journey to face our ‘mountain’ and intentionally create the karmic cycle we want to live in. That is the gift being offered by Saturn’s transit through Pisces (2023-2026): our agency in turning the wheel of karma.