The Dimensions of Heaven

As we awaken to more of our function at this stage of the great cycle, I thought it would be helpful to provide a simplified framework for the dimensions that you can reference easily as well as share with others. The purpose of this is to support your ability to be perceptive and specific about who and what you’re dealing with as well as ‘where’ dimensionally. The Beings referenced below relate to their work and function within the kingdoms, but please note that this is by no means comprehensive. The framework I’m sharing is based on the Judeo-Christian one for the levels of Heaven so it will be a refresher for those who are already familiar with it. Of course, you’ll find that many cultures have frameworks that are categorized in similar ways.

THRONE OF GOD: 10th Dimension and up

The Lord of Heaven = the Holy Spirit, the emanation of the purpose, power, and voice of God-Source-Creator, the communication device, the delivery medium, the Sacred Flame at the center of all life. (From my perspective, rather than there being ‘one’ Being who is in charge of everything in Heaven, there is a council of Divine Beings with the Holy Spirit over all.) There is more to the upper dimensions, but for the purposes of this sharing, I’m keeping the focus on planet Earth and our solar system.

HIGH HEAVEN: 7th, 8th, and 9th Dimensions

Seraphim = often presenting as celestial rather than terrestrial Dragons. Their jurisdiction and/or power is related to interstellar, celestial, and interplanetary interactions beyond our solar system (both Beings & forces) to & from the realms of Heaven and Earth. This is also the realm of the Divine Mother Earth Being. 

Cherubim = Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, and Councils of Light with jurisdiction and/or power related to all the souls on Planet Earth, which includes humans.

Thrones = Warrior class of Angels (Generals) who create war strategies and dispatch angelic armies tasked with defending and protecting all the realms along with executing judgment from the High Court.

MIDDLE HEAVEN: 4th, 5th, and 6th Dimensions

Dominions = Their jurisdiction and/or power is related to interplanetary interactions within our solar system (both Beings & forces) to & from the realms of Heaven and Earth. 

Virtues = Their jurisdiction and/or power is over the forces of Nature, all the Nature kingdoms including the Mothers/Fathers of continents, regions, mountains, lakes, etc. Here you would find terrestrial dragons.

Principalities = Their jurisdiction and/or power is over human-based groups such as nations, ethnic groups and families, companies (national and international), religious groups, all forms of contracts, etc.

Powers = Warrior class of angels further down the chain of command of the Thrones as well as foot soldiers in the armies. 

EARTH: 3rd Dimension

Incarnate Souls of Humanity = we ‘rule’ the Earth realm, but we are to do so with awareness of our true nature as “Children of God”, hence the importance of the ascension journey.


Archangels = they represent the highest rank (“arch”) of an angel.

Angels = they are found at all realms and can work as messengers, guardians, healers, teachers, soldiers, etc.

Both the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ exist in these realms. Most of the spiritual warfare and strongholds that show up (outside of what humans create for ourselves), occur in 4th and 5th dimensions. Of course it can and does show up elsewhere.