October 2024 Astrology Report

Blessings Soul Family! 
In this report I provide insight into the astrological environment we’ll be stepping into and sharing how it influences our lives and our businesses. You will find both personal and business guidance for ways to make the most out of these conditions. My intention is to give you the tools you need to leverage the opportunities and navigate the obstacles that you may encounter as you pursue your goals.

In this report: 

  • Overview

  • List of Transits

  • Personal & Business Insights


Our big event this month is the new moon solar eclipse in Libra. Normally, a new moon eclipse would mean the environment is supportive over the next 6 months for us to actively go after what we desire (related to the house in which the eclipse occurs). However because this eclipse is aligns to the South Node, the support in the astrological environment is less about accumulation and achievement, but rather healing and release. 

What does this look like? Actively working to remove obstacles to your progress in the Aries-Libra axis of your natal chart. This could mean speaking up for yourself, not procrastinating, taking care of things you’ve put on the back burner, implementing boundaries for yourself and others, changing how you show up in the world, etc. While this doesn’t seem “fun”, it’s actually a reminder that going after what you desire must also include removing or adjusting those tactics, beliefs, or circumstances that are slowing down your progress. This approach helps the flow to increase, the momentum to pick up, and the perfect people, places, and things to align with your path. 

Make no mistake: your overall objective during this North Node in Aries is to strive towards your desires as it relates to the house where the node is transiting. This eclipse cycle is providing space for a different approach. In short - more yin, less yang, unwavering will for the next 6 months.

My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle

October 2024 Astrology Transits

October 2 - NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Libra (10°).

October 4 - Venus in Scorpio (14°) trines Saturn Rx in Pisces (14°). 

October 5 - Mercury in Libra (16°) squares Mars in Cancer (16°).

October 8 - Venus in Scorpio (18°) trines Mars in Cancer (18°). Mercury in Libra (21°) trines Jupiter in Gemini (21°).

October 9 - Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini (21°).

October 10 - WAXING MOON in Capricorn (17°). 

October 11 - Pluto goes direct in Capricorn (29°). 

October 13 - Mercury in Libra (29°) squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°). Mercury enters Scorpio. Sun in Libra (21°) trines Jupiter Rx in Gemini (21°).

October 14 - Sun in Libra (21°) squares Mars in Cancer (21°). Venus in Scorpio (26°) opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus (26°). 

October 15 - Venus in Scorpio (27°) trines Neptune Rx in Pisces (27°). 

October 17 - FULL MOON in Aries (24°). Venus in Scorpio (29°) trines Pluto in Capricorn (29°). Venus enters Sagittarius.

October 21 - Mercury in Scorpio (13°) trines Saturn Rx in Pisces (13°).

October 22 - Sun in Libra (29°) squares Pluto in Capricorn (29°). Sun enters Scorpio.

October 24 - WANING MOON in Leo (1°). Mars in Cancer (26°) sextiles Uranus Rx in Taurus (26°).

October 28 - Mars in Cancer (27°) trines Neptune Rx in Pisces (27°). Venus in Sagittarius (12°) squares Saturn Rx in Pisces (12°).

October 30 - Mercury in Scorpio (25°) opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus (25°). 

October 31 - Mercury in Scorpio (27°) trines Neptune Rx in Pisces (27°).

October 2024 Astrology Insights

Working with the moon cycle

Every moon cycle can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. New moon - Use these first 7 days to rest more by keeping your schedule light and prioritize extra time with Spirit.

  2. Waxing moon - Over these 7 days you’ll notice that your motivation and momentum increases. Take action in pursuit of your goals!

  3. Full moon - These 7 days will give you peak energy and drive. This is great for social activities like events, meetings, etc.

  4. Waning moon - These final 7 days are best for knocking out the  “To Do” list and strategizing.

Libra Moon Cycle (October 2nd - 31st)

The Libra cycle stretches us to look beyond our ‘fixed’ relationships which we did not consciously create--i.e. family--and instead actively work on building relationships of our choosing. As you continue your personal development work, how will you need to relate differently with your family? What new relationships in other areas will you build based on who you are now? Our extended sense of community that sees us for who we are is our responsibility to cultivate. There are many options in the greater soul family of which we are a part. Will you propagate peace or perpetuate problems in your search?

Working with the personal planets

Mercury is associated with our mind, skills, communication, & commerce/markets

Venus is associated with our values, money, possessions, and love

Mars is associated with our ambition, physical energy, and will

Mercury in Libra (September 26th - October 12th)

Personal Insight

Mercury in Libra signals a time of important conversations with those key relationships in your life: romantic partners and business partners. What are the long-term goals? Are you in alignment? What needs to change? How much farther into the future does the perspective need to shift? It’s important to talk about the hard things while the stakes aren’t high. It will be important to face the subconscious bias and fears that are factoring into the dynamics of these relationships. As always we can only effectively negotiate and create the best possible outcome when we are being honest about our needs and wants. (Note: the “best possible outcome” does not mean that the relationship will remain in place… the best outcome might be for someone to walk away.)

Business Insight 

Mercury in Libra can be a great time to review and/or implement contracts, disclosures, legal documents, and the like. Does anything need to be adjusted based on the goals you’ve set for the business? Maybe it’s time to consider a different tax status? Have you thought about how you will address legal challenges (should they arise) like client disputes or trademark infringement? Now is a good time to think about that and put different plans in place. You can also use this transit to search for legal counsel as your business expands.

Mercury in Scorpio (October 13th - November 1st)

Personal Insight

Mercury in Scorpio incites us to “call a spade a spade”. Wherever there is--or has been--conflict around you needs to be handled during this transit. Mercury will not mince words so be mindful about how you communicate as much as what you communicate. This conflict could very easily be an internal acknowledgment of areas of pain, wounding, heartbreak, betrayal, trauma, etc; if so, now is the time to dig deep. On the other hand this transit can be incredibly supportive for manifesting! This could show up spiritually or with the speed of things falling into place on material projects. However, you’ll have to stay focused on what’s yours instead of what’s enticing that others may be presenting to you--take care of your things first so that you can determine what you actually have to give when all is said and done.

Business Insight 

Mercury in Scorpio benefits those businesses that are operating externally (products & services) and internally in alignment with their vision. This can appear as any legal concerns being resolved easily, or simply any fears you may have about the potential for problems being alleviated. The most important thing though is that you double down on your ‘roots’, i.e. that which makes your business unique; if you’ve forgotten, then take a trip down memory lane to the early days. Marketing via existing channels about the clarity and passion around your big “Why” is what will make your business stand out in the market and help the perfect customers find you during this transit.

Venus in Scorpio (September 22nd - October 16th)

Personal Insight

Venus in Scorpio invites us to look at our long-term financial goals and what financial well-being looks like beyond ourselves. How are we handling our debts? Do we wish to leave something for our families when we cross over - beyond funeral expenses? Can we strive to build financial overflow for ourselves so that we can financially support our family/parents/etc without sacrifice? Considerations around money beyond immediate needs and instant gratification can be a fear-inducing topic; it can also bring up shame, guilt, etc. You are encouraged to face what’s here for you and ask for support from those who are professionals to help you come to decisions. This transit reminds you that more is available!

Business Insight 

Venus transiting Scorpio can support the search for lines of credit, loans, grants,etc so you may find you make headway during this time, especially if there have been obstacles before. You can also take a look at the progress you’ve made on reducing debts. Don’t forget to negotiate strongly around money on any new contracts or collaborations.

Venus in Sagittarius (October 17th - November 10th)

Personal Insight

Venus in Sagittarius invites us to throw caution to the wind, trust our instincts, and stretch into new experiences where we can learn more. On a positive note it will be easy to take action on those things that bring us joy and excitement. We’ll also be forced to be radically honest with ourselves in those situations where we’re pretending we don’t know. We’ll see the value--and possibly invest in--opportunities to expand our knowledge. On a negative note we can seek out distractions to avoid responsibility for things that require our attention. We can juggle a lot of ‘options’ in our romantic life and risk jeopardizing the ones that can last. Or we can become dogmatic in our beliefs and think there’s nothing left to learn. 

Business Insight 

Venus transiting Sagittarius supports the expansion of our business beyond our normal sphere of influence. This is the time to center the vision or mission statement of your business in all of your marketing efforts; and in the case where you’re still trying to figure that out, this transit will support your ability to bring the big ideas down to earth. You are also encouraged to assess the numbers of the various distribution channels you use to get your business out there. What’s working? What can be improved? Does something new need to be added? Is it time to streamline marketing efforts.

Mars in Cancer (September 4th - November 2nd)

Personal Insight

Mars in Cancer takes us on the journey of clarifying and/or remembering what our soul purpose is as well as strategize on how to walk our karmic path in this incarnation. There are three broad components for the expression and experience of our soul purpose: personal, ancestral/soul family, and collective. The personal work is directly linked to our relationship with Source and that Divine quality we are to be the embodiment of throughout our life. The ancestral work delves into the recurring themes and dynamics of our interpersonal relationships, healing traumas, and evolving patterns of behavior. The collective work is centered on being an active agent for change in society which means dealing with economics, social justice, environmentalism, politics, and the like. The Mars in Cancer transit provides an important time for checking in on our alignment to what is specifically for us to do and to adjust our actions where needed.

Business Insight

Mars transiting Cancer provides a chance to check in and see how your work/life balance is holding up. Is your work schedule still looking like something out of the Industrial Revolution? Or is your schedule optimized and adaptable? If you are unsure about different ways to incorporate more human-centered approaches to your work, then this is the time to do some research and practice applying different techniques. If you have already been doing so, then check in to see if you’ve been maintaining those actions or if you have fallen off. 

North Node in Aries (July 17, 2023 - January 10, 2025)

Watch the channeled message HERE.