November 2024 Astrology Report

Blessings Soul Family! 

If you’re picking up a lot of angelic army activity or if some of the angels seem to be busy/preoccupied, then know that that’s because of preparation for a big operation to root out some pervasive dark forces in the realms happening this week. 

Lightworkers are actively engaged in supporting these efforts. In fact, I was recently led to restart the Lightworker Incubator alumni group to gather those who've already said “Yes” to the Call from Spirit. If you're an alumni and missed the email, you can read more about it HERE and sign up. Our first live session is this Saturday, Nov 2nd at 10am PT and you don't want to miss it!

To everyone else, know that the fight for the liberation of the Souls of Humanity and the Nature Kingdoms continues. And I'll be inviting you to say “Yes” to the Call from Spirit when I open enrollment for the next cohort of the Lightworker Incubator in a few weeks. I'm expanding on the program to include even more advanced spiritual tools and techniques to deepen your relationship with your own soul, embrace your gifts, and expand your service. Stay tuned for more information!

With that said, let's get into the astrology report!

In this report I provide insight into the astrological environment we’ll be stepping into and sharing how it influences our lives and our businesses. You will find both personal and business guidance for ways to make the most out of these conditions. My intention is to give you the tools you need to leverage the opportunities and navigate the obstacles that you may encounter as you pursue your goals.

In this report: 

  • Overview

  • List of Transits

  • Personal & Business Insights

November 2024 Astrology Overview

While most astrologers would say the month ahead is one rife with the potential for conflict, I would say that is not the entire picture. Sometimes we can be hyper focused on the immediate environment and miss the larger things at play. Remember back in the beginning of 2020 when we had the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that kicked off a new generational cycle? And the subsequent whirlwind months dealing with COVID, BLM protests, the ongoing worldwide corporate & government corruption, and destruction of the natural world? Yeah, we were all forced to submit to the Sacred Pause and go on a journey of self-inquiry. We asked, “How am I called to show up in service to the creation of a new world?” And this applied to our personal lives, our local communities, nation, and beyond into the spiritual realms. 

We wrangled with this, dropped the ball on this, picked it back up again on this, over and over again these last 4 years. We've been “thrashing the wheat” to get to those beliefs, actions, and visions we actually want to move forward with and can see are viable for a more equitable and balanced future.

And now?

The Pluto in Aquarius cycle begins this month which holds the energetic possibility–a different timeline–that we can make real as we do the larger systems work of this Sun-Pluto generational cycle. Essentially, we have a Capricorn path and an Aquarius path running in tandem. The more we act on AND from the Aquarian one, the more it becomes manifest.

The process will continue to be messy. But the astrological environment overall for the next 4 years in particular is going to speed up the release of the “old” and the embodiment of the “new”. (See Saturn and Neptune in Aries, Pluto in Aquarius, Uranus in Gemini…)

Our proactive engagement is required. A better world isn't given to us from on high. And of course, we don't ever do this work alone. Our success is collective.

So…How has your creativity & visioning practice been going? Where have you doubled down on embodying the new in how you show up in life? 

My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle

November 2024 Astrology Transits

November 1 - NEW MOON in Scorpio (9°).

November 2 - Mercury in Scorpio (28°) trines Mars in Cancer (28°) then sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (29°). Mercury enters Sagittarius.

November 3 - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS. Mars in Cancer (29°) opposes Pluto in Capricorn (29°). Venus in Sagittarius (20°) opposes Jupiter Rx in Gemini (20°). Mars enters Leo.

November 4 - Sun in Scorpio (12°) trines Saturn Rx in Pisces (12°). 

November 8 - WAXING MOON in Aquarius (17°). 

November 9 - Venus in Sagittarius (27°) squares Neptune Rx in Pisces (27°).

November 11 - Venus enters Capricorn. 

November 12 - Mercury in Sagittarius (12°) squares Saturn Rx in Pisces (12°). 

November 15 - FULL MOON in Taurus (24°). Saturn goes direct in Pisces (12°). 

November 16 - Sun in Scorpio (24°) opposes Uranus Rx in Taurus (24°). 

November 18 - Mercury in Sagittarius (18°) opposes Jupiter in Gemini (18°). Sun in Scorpio (27°) trines Neptune Rx in Pisces (27°). 

November 19 - Pluto enters Aquarius.

November 21 - Sun enters Sagittarius. Sun in Sagittarius (0°) sextiles Pluto in Aquarius (0°). 

November 22 - WANING MOON in Virgo (1°). Venus in Capricorn (12°) sextiles Saturn in Pisces (12°).

November 25 - Mercury goes Rx in Sagittarius (22°).

November 27 - Sun in Sagittarius (5°) trines Mars in Leo (5°).  

November 30 - NEW MOON in Sagittarius (9°).

November 2024 Astrology Insights

Working with the moon cycle

Every moon cycle can be divided into 4 phases:

  1. New moon - Use these first 7 days to rest more by keeping your schedule light and prioritize extra time with Spirit.

  2. Waxing moon - Over these 7 days you’ll notice that your motivation and momentum increases. Take action in pursuit of your goals!

  3. Full moon - These 7 days will give you peak energy and drive. This is great for social activities like events, meetings, etc.

  4. Waning moon - These final 7 days are best for knocking out the  “To Do” list and strategizing.

Scorpio Moon Cycle (November 1st - November 29th)

The Scorpio cycle provides us an opportunity to easily go after what you want. This is not the time when you’ll find yourself second-guessing. No, instead you’ll be able to quickly assess the possibilities in front of you--people, places, circumstances--and decide whether or not it’s a “Yes” or “No”… and making that decision with minimal reservation about whether others like it or not. While on the surface this may seem abrupt or be taken harshly by some, what it really shows you is how “lukewarm” you can be about many things, how often you disempower yourself. Sometimes your best choice is to acknowledge that nothing that’s currently available pleases you--and you can choose to simply walk away instead of trying to “make it work”.

Working with the personal planets

Mercury is associated with our mind, skills, communication, & commerce/markets

Venus is associated with our values, money, possessions, and love

Mars is associated with our ambition, physical energy, and will

Mercury in Sagittarius (Nov 2nd - Jan 8th; Retrograde Nov 25th - Dec 14th)

Personal Insight

Mercury in Sagittarius shows us how powerful our decision-making--and subsequent right action-taking--can be when it’s built upon the foundation of what’s authentic for us FIRST and then keeping the vision front and center in our mind. This deference to our emotional intelligence combined with objective thought is what creates the balance we seek, especially if we’ve had a hard time trusting our decisions or tend to second guess ourselves a lot. Success is the fruit of this balance because it shows that there is no internal war…therefore, our soul can directly express through us wholly unencumbered and the spiritual family that walks with us can easily support our path.

Business Insight 

Mercury in Sagittarius reminds you that you’ve learned everything you’ve needed to learn at this point to make decisions and move forward. This does not mean that you know everything, rather that 1) you can bring your skill & well-earned mastery to that which is under your control, and that 2) you can also seek wise counsel for that which is beyond your expertise during this time if you so choose. Regardless, this can also be a great time to spend time strategizing and planning as there’s a high propensity for objective thought.

Venus in Sagittarius (October 17th - November 10th)

Personal Insight

Venus in Sagittarius invites us to throw caution to the wind, trust our instincts, and stretch into new experiences where we can learn more. On a positive note it will be easy to take action on those things that bring us joy and excitement. We’ll also be forced to be radically honest with ourselves in those situations where we’re pretending we don’t know. We’ll see the value--and possibly invest in--opportunities to expand our knowledge. On a negative note we can seek out distractions to avoid responsibility for things that require our attention. We can juggle a lot of ‘options’ in our romantic life and risk jeopardizing the ones that can last. Or we can become dogmatic in our beliefs and think there’s nothing left to learn. 

Business Insight 

Venus transiting Sagittarius supports the expansion of our business beyond our normal sphere of influence. This is the time to center the vision or mission statement of your business in all of your marketing efforts; and in the case where you’re still trying to figure that out, this transit will support your ability to bring the big ideas down to earth. You are also encouraged to assess the numbers of the various distribution channels you use to get your business out there. What’s working? What can be improved? Does something new need to be added? Is it time to streamline marketing efforts.

Venus in Capricorn (November 11th - December 5th)

Personal Insight

Venus in Capricorn asks some of you to keep things to yourself and allow for an extended period of time for whatever abundance that has recently entered--and will be entering--your life to flourish without exposure to the outside world. Can you keep a secret? Use this transit to really dive into any resistance you have around holding that which is for you sacred AND secret. You already made the decision--stick with it. You don’t need to do “more”. Strengthen your boundaries with yourself! For others of you this transit is a necessary time period to pause, reflect, and get quiet so that you can listen to your inner wisdom. If you want to move forward authentically, then you have to strengthen your ability to hear yourself (your Soul) and drown out others opinions or beliefs. If you’re going back and forth on a decision, then drop it and surrender to what answer your Soul gives you. Remember: there is a difference between “important” and “urgent”.

Business Insight 

Venus transiting Capricorn sifts through the flurry of possibilities that the Sagittarius transit brought to clear away those people or contracts that are not sustainable or in alignment with the trajectory of the business. Whoever or whatever pops up during this transit--or that which has remained through the last transit--has a higher likelihood of being a beneficial contract. Use the lessons learned from what didn’t work to take the reins in negotiating what you need and want moving forward. Look for an increase in finances over the coming weeks especially if you’ve been consistent with your efforts for growth in the past few months. Business relationships--whether internal or external--can flourish at this time too! 

Mars in Leo (Nov 3rd - Jun 17th; Retrograde Dec 6th - Feb23rd)

Personal Insight

Mars in Leo brings a maturing energy to the divine masculine principle within each of us. As Leo is ruled by the Sun, a strong source of courage and confidence is provided by this transit. We just have to be careful not to become haughty! Use Mars in Leo to quiet the inner saboteur that seeks to talk you out of making beneficial decisions for yourself or for continuing to pursue your goals. Push thru the fear--without taking unnecessary risks--and go after what you want. Be sure to play as hard as you work, otherwise you’ll become resentful. Also, take pride in your appearance. This is a transit to show up and show out!

Business Insight

Mars transiting Leo puts the focus on you as the business owner. Here’s where your focus must be to see business growth. Business is also done between people even in product-based enterprises. Amplifying the person ‘behind the brand’ is a key component of any business’ success in our interconnected world. Center your humanity--let people see who you are in your marketing. Attend events especially ones led by other leaders who are further along the path than you. Put yourself out there and be seen!

North Node in Aries (July 17, 2023 - January 10, 2025)

Watch the channeled message HERE.