North Node in Pisces 2025-2026
Understanding the North Node in Pisces
The most important event for 2025 is the transition of the moon’s nodes out of the Aries-Libra axis into the Pisces-Virgo axis.
The North Node represents where your soul is urging you to expand, and consequently where you’ll see the most opportunities and luck! The North Node will be in Pisces, so whatever house(s) this is in your natal chart reveals the unique area specific to you where this will be relevant.
The South Node represents where hidden blocks or negative influences are impacting your ability to expand in the area(s) that the North Node is pointing you to. The South Node will be in Virgo, so whatever house(s) this is in your natal chart shows where you need to remove obstacles that hinder your healing and evolution.
The nodal transit lasts approximately 18 months and in this case will be in the Pisces-Virgo signs from January 2025 th July 2026.
North Node in Pisces Highlights
Beyond personal natal chart considerations, there are 7 main aspects that you can expect to see arise at scale (e.g. nations, etc).
First: Hidden Enemies
We will see the exposure of hidden enemies who present as friendly or innocuous yet who secretly devalue us or plot against us. These usually have direct access to us and/or are in the environments we frequent across any area of life.
For entrepreneurs: This could look like other business owners tracking what you do, possibly stealing or copying aspects of your business. This could also happen with employees, contractors, or partners.
Second: Self-Reliance
We will find that others are less able to be relied upon and we’ll be forced to rely more on ourselves & the Divine. This will test our core (solar plexus) and relationship to the Divine.
For entrepreneurs: The global economy will go through drastic changes with many businesses going under, retracting, pivoting, etc as the excess, exploitation, and inflated numbers due to capitalism get cut out in favor of what's actually valuable. Expect some stripping of your business to its true "bones", the severity of which will be dependent on your situation.
Third: Values
Dissatisfaction rises with “busy work” and a deep desire increases to be connected to something bigger. With that said, we’ll be forced to face how our actions line up (or not) those bigger values as well as the reality of what's really required to actually manifest our desires.
For entrepreneurs: There will be a renewed interest from the market on the real vision & mission of your business. As a consequence, your branding and marketing needs to relay that information clearly.
Fourth: Surrender
We’ll be forced to grapple with the questions: Who are we in the presence of what we can’t control? Do we hold to what is true or does our faith waver to the point where we veer off track?
For entrepreneurs: This transit will be a test of leadership that reveals how you steward your business through an extended period of transition. The objective is to remain committed to the long term goal while also being open & adaptable to different tactics to achieve that goal.
Fifth: Risk-taking
We’ll see a compulsion to strive beyond what has been known or safe, especially if we’ve gone as far as we can in an area and invested years without a drastic change or ROI.
For entrepreneurs: You’ll be coming to terms with what hasn't been working for years, letting it go, and pivoting to something else that has the potential to better return in the long run.
Sixth: Distinction
We will be more interested in individual healing, creativity, and uniqueness rather than achievements and external approval.
For entrepreneurs: Your ability to cultivate long term customer loyalty and human connection are what will set your business apart from others. This holds true both internally and externally, i.e. how things really operate inside your business is just as important as the quality & relevance of your services/products.
Seventh: Evolution
We will seek to access the Divine through the body & direct experience and rely less on people, tools, rituals, etc. Educational resources and/or experiential learning that enables that will flourish.
For entrepreneurs: Expanding or pivoting requires new information and skills. Set yourself up for future innovation by broadening your knowledge of industry and business.
North Node in Pisces Key Dates
Planetary conjunctions with the North Node can be auspicious times, in particular in the day or two leading up to the conjunction. You may find a lot of ‘luck’ happens around these dates especially in April 2025.
February 2nd - Venus
February 7th - Neptune
March 2nd - Mercury
March 18th - Sun
April 1st - Venus Rx
April 4th - Mercury Rx
April 11th - Mercury direct
April 21st - Saturn
April 24th - Venus direct
February 12th - Mercury
February 17th - Venus
February 27th - Sun
March 13th - Mars
March 18th - Mercury Rx
March 23rd - Mercury direct
Since the nodal transit lasts for approximately 18 months, it can be helpful to create benchmarks for your big goals around each stage of the transit.
1st 6 months - Jan-July 2025
2nd 6 months - July 2025-Jan 2026
3rd 6 months - Jan-July 2026
Of particular note is the fact that there will be no new moon solar eclipses in the sign of Pisces during the nodal transit. The solar eclipses indicate times when there’s a larger influence that opens up opportunities that you can use to get to your goals faster, usually within 6 to 9 months. But this time we won’t have that additional ‘boost’. This is rare because usually during a nodal transit there would be one or two in the North Node sign that would enable us to accomplish more. Instead we will have:
an Aries solar eclipse in March (residual effect of the previous nodal transit),
a Virgo solar eclipse in September (the South Node sign encouraging release rather than acquisition), and
an Aquarius solar eclipse in February 2026 (the upcoming nodal transit effect)
What does this mean for us?
It means that we will see a direct correlation of our karma: what we do will match the results we get. If we rely on something or someone outside the work of our own hands, then we’ll find that that something or someone seems to disappear or no longer work as well. (You’ve probably already started noticing this.) We will see how much of who we are and what we do is actually propped up by that which is not of our own efforts.
In a lot of ways this should be welcome because the nodal transit will expose those malevolent influences that have been sabotaging our path. Of course on the other hand, it will expose the little power (the inner sun/fire) we’ve cultivated as a person regardless of the life we’ve had. The North Node in Pisces will level the playing field in a lot of ways, holding up a mirror to show us what we’re really working with within ourselves when the “brand” and the group is stripped away. There is no judgment besides self-judgment to be found here. Lean into the law of karma by showing up for yourself in real self love, do the work to grow your inner fire, think about the future you desire to step into and take action accordingly, and know that karma will reward you for your consistent efforts.