2025 Astrology Forecast

Blessings Soul Family!

2025 is well underway and I wanted to share a broad overview of what to expect in the months to come. Let’s dive in!

The word I’ve chosen for 2025 is KARMA due to the North Node in Pisces.

This year we will see a direct correlation of our karma: what we do will match the results we get. If we rely on something or someone outside the work of our own hands, then we’ll find that that something or someone seems to disappear or no longer work as well. (You’ve probably already started noticing this.) We will see how much of who we are and what we do is actually propped up by that which is not of our own efforts.

In a lot of ways this should be welcome because the nodal transit will expose those malevolent influences that have been sabotaging our path. Of course on the other hand, it will expose the little power (the inner sun/fire) we’ve cultivated as a person regardless of the life we’ve had. 

The North Node in Pisces will level the playing field in a lot of ways, holding up a mirror to show us what we’re really working with within ourselves when the “brand” and the group is stripped away. There is no judgment besides self-judgment to be found here. With that said, lean into the law of karma by showing up for yourself in real self love, do the work to grow your inner fire, think about the future you desire to step into and take action accordingly, and know that karma will reward you for your consistent efforts.


I. I know folks are going to be flooding your timelines about how all these planetary cycles are starting, but they're not. The only new ones are Venus and Jupiter. The others, namely Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are foreshadowing the cycles they will begin in 2026. Remember how Pluto dipped its toes into the sign of Aquarius before officially beginning that transit in November 2024? Same thing here. This "sneak peek" gives us a chance to get a taste of what's to come so we can prepare ourselves.

Given how much is going to be happening this year in various areas of society, I encourage you to not overwhelm yourself with the idea of being ushered into a bunch of new things–especially if you're an entrepreneur. Trust me, we all are already in a new space. Let's give thanks that all of these big shifts are spread out over 2 years (2025 & 2026) instead of 1 year so that we may make intentional decisions. Stay the course. 

For the entrepreneurs: The markets are going to be in flux throughout the year. In particular, those in the tourism, hospitality, travel, distribution, shipping, transportation, communications (media, journalism, publicity, etc), and education industries–or those businesses indirectly relying on those markets–should expect to experience disruptions and volatility. I would advise seriously considering ways to "future proof" your business and make strides for implementation this year. This could include a complete business model shift, a more fiscally conservative approach to your financial strategy (e.g. how long could your business survive on its reserves if your market retracted for an extended period of time?), or the addition of new services/products. Expect this volatility to be in play through the mid-2030s until Uranus enters Cancer. 

2025 New Cycles

  • North Node in Pisces (January 12th)

  • Venus cycle in Aries at 2° (March 22nd)

  • Jupiter cycle in Cancer (June 9th)

2026 New Cycles

  • Venus & Mars cycle in Capricorn 18° (January 8th)

  • Mars cycle in Capricorn 19° (January 9th)

  • Neptune cycle in Aries (January 27th)

  • Saturn cycle in Aries (February 14th)

  • Uranus cycle in Gemini (April 26th)

As you can see, 2025 is actually a “quiet” year compared to 2026 in terms of new astrological cycles beginning. Keep this in mind when the collective chatter seeks to move you out of timing and thus sabotage your success. Remember, the environment matters just as much as the seed. Don’t plant too soon.

II. The main attraction for the 2025-2026 is of course the North Node in Pisces. You can read about it and the eclipses more in depth in my blog post HERE.

III. We have 4 consecutive zodiac new moons occurring at 9°: 

  1. December 30th in Capricorn

  2. January 29th in Aquarius

  3. February 27th in Pisces

  4. March 29th in Aries

This is rare and the insight I have about it is that these will show where major transformation for the better will be happening over the next 12 months. It feels to me like a literal "ramping up" of energy, a loosening of restrictions, and opening of harmonious flow. Of course, you must reference your own personal natal chart to see the areas of your life that will be affected. You could have anywhere from 2 to 4 houses impacted depending on your chart. 

For entrepreneurs: You'll probably notice more revenue options opening up, a streamlining of your workflow, and an easier time adapting. Just remember that you'll probably have to pivot a bit as the economy at large fluctuates. Remember to revisit your unique value add to the market in order to stand out from the crowd and align with the most harmonious clients.

IV. Next, while the personal planets usually don't get much attention when looking at the year ahead, I do think it's important to consider the impact of the planets that flank us, in this case Venus. We have a brand new Venus cycle that starts in March 2025 in the sign of Aries at 2°. The last Venus in Aries cycle kicked off 8 years ago in March 2017. Venus cycles, like the nodal transits, last about 18 months and this one will be in play till October 2026. 

In Chinese astrology, Venus (metal) fashions the raw resources of Jupiter (wood) into something we envision. We get opportunity/benefit/recognition when we invest our devotion and truly love the things we value. And what's nice with Venus is that you won't really have to work as hard as you do with Jupiter (i.e. utilizing resources is easier than gathering resources). Depending on where this occurs in your personal natal chart, this may be related to a relationship or money.

For entrepreneurs: The Venus cycle will, for the most part, be in lockstep with the North Node in Pisces transit. Since the North Node previously moved through Aries, you could find that Venus helps you find "buried treasure" from that transit, meaning you might get some ROI on previous goals that might not have panned out. However because Saturn is also in the mix, just know that it might not be as much as you’d like. But something is better than nothing, right?

V. Finally, when it comes to Jupiter I pay less attention to the sign it's currently transiting in and more to the sign it just left because that's usually where the waves of abundance come in…like the swell of major high tide after a huge moon had pulled the water out to sea. With that in mind, Jupiter may make way for some unique benefits to fall into your lap based on your efforts related to the Gemini transit in the second half of the year.

For entrepreneurs: You might find that this year would be a good time to upgrade hardware, software, your cybersecurity protocols, and the like. In addition, making your communications strategy much more robust will add real value to your brand and solidify its position in your industry. 

In conclusion ~

2025 will very much be a year of preparation for 2026 and beyond. It will test our ability to close out the “old” and create the foundation for the “new” all at the same time–a dual process that requires A LOT of time, energy, and resources. It is imperative to be intentional with your output so that you don’t burnout. 

Of course, there are other planetary influences that may be impactful depending on your natal chart or your business. If you’d like to explore this more with my guidance, you can book a session.

My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle