Archangelic Realm Updates (January 2021)

Blessings Soul Family!

Welcome to the first of new and regular installments of archangelic updates. As many of you know, last year I got the heads up that my lightworker role/jurisdiction would be changing for this next stage of my life with the primary focus being: Liaison for the Archangelic Realm. There are other roles/functions I’ve already taken on (such as Earth Ambassador) and am also still in the process of onboarding new ones, however this work with the archangels is in the forefront. I didn’t quite know what that would look like but apparently, the Sacred Rage/Fierce Protector journey I started late autumn has been what has allowed the insight to come through. (To be completely transparent, I have been avoiding diving deeper into my new specific work since I was notified last Spring to instead focusing on getting my adult human self together as an entrepreneur. Now that enough of that structural work is done, the spirit realm came knocking with my inner Fierce Protector as the trusted Gatekeeper!)

While I won’t be sharing my continuing Sacred Rage/Fierce Protector journey as I mentioned in that latest installment (read it HERE ), those things related to changes within the Archangelic Realm and the continued evolution & relationship development with Earth is to be shared publicly. This is particularly important to me because WOC voices are not prominent/prevalent in this space and if we’re going to create collective harmony, then the collective must be represented.

I am taking up (more) space.

My “new” work with the realm is centered primarily with Gabriel (y’all already know that’s my OG fam - I am a daughter/son/fractal of Gabriel) and managing and directing those angelic armies under Their/His/Her jurisdiction for the purpose of protecting Earth, the Nature Kingdoms, and Humanity. One of the first orders of business was to do a status check on the current state of the soldiers and well…. The ones in the field were overworked and replacements needed to be sent. If you recall I shared on IG Stories about it. I’ll reshare that intel here:

On Wed morning (Jan 20, 2021) I called the angels home to heaven that have been doing a lot of fighting for their healing and restoration and sent out replacement forces. This was specifically for those angelic armies under Gabriel's jurisdiction as well as Chamuel (Mars). If you have a particular (stronger) resonance to either of those, then you 'might' have felt a shift of relief with that call home, but you're also welcome to give direct permission to them to take a break and call in replacements.

The energetic shift was palpable to me and I could feel the groundedness and solidity with the new soldiers in place.

Later that week during another check-in, it was brought to my attention that deeper healing needed to happen in terms of creating a new purpose for the angelic armies - essentially needing a new vision to work under. Due to the recent anchoring of Galactic Fire/Cosmic Judgment to Uranus and those governing bodies (Archangel Uriel would be the angel contact FYI), I knew that Neptune as the anchor of the Cosmic Heart would be the place to look for this massive healing support. [Intel Note: Jupiter and Saturn are no longer centers for these as they were not appropriately managing their roles during the previous cycle. This goes for the corresponding guardian archangels Tzadkiel & Tzaphkiel as well. Also - and this is very important - the magic seals derived from them have been neutralized as these were used for dark magic. Be mindful if you’re still working with those magic systems because of the Dark Forces/False Light beings.]

I realized I didn’t have a solid angel contact for Neptune/Cosmic Heart although I’ve kept it to Gabriel and Sandalphon when needing to bring that energy in. I remembered that some deeper healing work had recently occurred around Azrael with fellow lightworker Timil Jones (of to bring balance back to the crossing over of souls (and shutting down some of the interference around that). I reached out to her again to ask if she could check in on Azrael & see if They were to be the primary contact for the Cosmic Heart/Sacred Death work or another. (Note: Azrael is traditionally associated as the guardian angel for Pluto and manages Death-Scorpio archetype, handling the safe transition of souls into the afterlife while Gabriel supports transition into incarnation.) After a bit of back and forth, it became clear that Azrael was ready to face Cosmic Judgment for Their negative actions around their duties. Gabriel was willing to be there with Them during that process as well as stand in defense of Their character if necessary. (Yes. I know. Whoa, right?)

I asked when--the answer came back “Now”. 

Timil and I ascended through the realms and came before the Divine Court. This was a completely new experience for both of us so we weren’t quite sure what to expect. I had a sense that there would be discipline, for which Azrael seemed to be fully prepared. As soon as we were grounded energetically in the Court, there was an immediate reading of the charges against Them. The charges brought against Azrael were as follows:

Failure to protect

Failure to provide clear passage (for the crossing over and elevation of souls)

Failure to perform sacred rites (for death)

Bastardizing the sanctity and purpose of Death

Failure to protect collective transition (referencing the evolutionary process, timeline shifts, dimensional transitions, etc)

Pursuing forced labor (i.e. spiritual slavery of souls as some were being kept from ascending properly; this was in pursuit of gaining personal power)

Then Azrael asserted that there some things that were associated with Them but actually due to others. I got the image and phrase “9 Sisters” and saw a cluster of dark-colored snake beings, feminine-energy in nature, primarily hiding throughout the Motherland. (Timil and I both have African ancestry so we were shown what we would understand but I’m sure this is relevant in other parts of the world since it’s not unique. To be clear, snake energy is not bad; this was specific to these beings who were abusing their power.) Their charges were around use of others' energy for power and control in three areas:

Seduction (the manipulation of sexual energy for control)

Sorrow (the manipulation of grief for control)

Dark Magic (the manipulation of white magic which is fire/air/incense/plant-based. There was a clear “No more animal sacrifice” as it relates to spiritual work. To be clear, it was fine in the past as there was a contract with the Nature Kingdoms and it was for use in more rare instances, however those practices/rituals have gone to excess over time--i.e., becoming part of the norm in spiritual ritual/practice--and so now it’s a “No”.)

Once these charges were presented, Cosmic Judgment came down immediately and the 9 were sent down to Tartarus (hell). To be clear, the 9 admitted what they did but were trying to shirk responsibility - their hearts were judged and that’s what revealed the truth.

Finally, Azrael had a confession--a deep secret to share with the Court. 

I received the vision of Them pulling back a protective veil from the Earth, exposing the planet to infiltration from some of the Dark Forces (this appeared as a Black Dragon that had encircled the Earth and entrapped her Divine Dragon essence. That Black Dragon has long since been removed). My stomach turned with this confession. The betrayal…. The betrayal of the solar system’s Little Sister….

“Shock” isn’t a big enough word.

I heard the phrase “final words”. I had nothing additional to say to or to ask of Azrael. No, not even “Why”. The bond between Them and Gabriel was a potent brotherly love, camaraderie (soldiers-in-arms), romantic relationship tapestry that I was surprised to feel into. ‘It was a power grab’, is the simple explanation, but the deeper disconnect from Mother Source and unhealthy ego were the roots to be honest. And then it was time for Cosmic Judgment. There would be no renegotiation or transformation. The sentence was Death. Azrael was ready and accepting. 

We watched the dissolving of this grand archangel right before our eyes. 

Again… “shock” isn’t a big enough word. (There were tears of course.)

Then the attention turned back to Timil and I. There was confirmation that another archangel associated with being the guardian of Neptune would be the one as the Keeper/Anchor of the Cosmic Heart energies as well as take over the Sacred Death responsibilities. Their name is Asrael (“s” instead of “z”) and feels both nonbinary and feminine depending--yes there was a connection and Asrael seemed to be more the “feminine’ aspect of Azrael’s function. (The traditional magic spelling is Asariel but we were given the corrected pronunciation as ‘Asrael’.) I can best describe the feeling of this archangel as ‘celestial waters’ and ‘gossamer’. 

The angelic armies that were under Azrael’s jurisdiction for protecting the dead and protecting all during transition states are now under Gabriel’s command. For those that do death doula work, crossing over souls, deep healing with the Cosmic Heart, etc can work with Asrael; for protection in said work, call on Gabriel’s forces. 

Lastly, as the formal announcement and transition of power occurred, Asrael and Sandalphon alchemized. Earth had actually created Sandalphon to maintain a connection to the Cosmic Heart since it had been severed with Azrael’s actions. With Asrael in place this bridge is no longer needed.

There were of course other messages & instructions that came however those were specific to Timil and I. This experience was potent to say the least and I am taking a little time to unpack this…. #GrownWork

To recap:

*If you have a natural/strong resonance to Archangels Gabriel or Chamuel, you can ask for reinforcements and switch out the other angel soldiers that you can tell are overwhelmed.

*Work with Asrael for all things related to the Cosmic Heart and Sacred Death work.

Cosmic Judgment continues--it’s actually been going on for a while--in service to balancing the vast karmic scales and restoring wholeness not only in our solar system but also our galaxy and universe. 

Until next time!