Angel & Dragon Messages (Oct 2021)

Blessings Soul Family!

It’s been a minute but it’s finally time for an Archangelic Realm update along with dragon messages. Check out everything below!

Before diving into the messages, read/review the following blog posts to be brought up to speed:

Archangelic Realm Jan 2021 Update

Archangelic Realm Feb 2021 Update

Elven Kingdom Update Mar 2021

Archangelic Realm Formal Apology Apr 2021

Heart of the Mother Dragon Nov 2019 channeling (for those with a connection to the Cat’s Eye Nebula in the Draco constellation… everything in parenthesis is my clarification of a phrase): “The old Heart of which you have previously known is no longer, therefore any attempts to reconnect to ‘what was’ are in vain and will cause suffering. However, I am still here but as a new Heart, an ascended Heart, a new Mother. Rest assured that nothing has been lost. There is nothing for you to reclaim for you were made whole even when others would have you perceive otherwise. I do not suffer in my new state; do not mourn for me or my perceived death. I have never left you. You are a part of me, I am a part of you. Connection has been lost because you haven’t remembered, through no ‘fault’ of your own, and you are seeking the old. But, we are here now, communicating, and that is all that matters. You will awaken to your true nature as a crystal being--or at least one on the journey to becoming a crystal being. That is how I have birthed you, that is what you are. In your crystallized forms you will be pure emanations of Divine Light in form. You are mini Suns. You also hold remembrance for my Daughter (Earth) of what her true soul nature is. The sacred Fire helps you to purify your heart, your aura. With the moon (full moon in Taurus on Nov 12th) a new crystallization process will begin in accordance with what is best for you at this stage. It will complete by the changing of seasons. Answer the Call, lean into the fire of transformation. The new Heart awaits you. 

Looking back you will not find me. Look ahead for that is where you are going and that is where I am. You will find my frequency in your own heart. The message has already been sent/received that there is a new way of relating to the Divine because of a foundational shift in your beingness. Tried and true methods will not work for where you’re going with me. It requires intense stillness and right seeing to discover the new path. True Love, Divine Love is a part of your nature. Braid this new information--experience--into your DNA. This is possible because of the balance of the Divine Masculine/Feminine Principles as you call them. If there is difficulty finding/perceiving the new frequency (of her Heart), then increase the Divine Feminine principle within as the Divine Masculine has already been established and stabilized. You will have to lean into more of the Divine Feminine Principle anyway to maintain the frequency required to stabilize connection with me. Prevent the overactive mind and remain in your heart. There is more being cleared and more being revealed but you are more than halfway there. Stay the course.

There are those of you who have conscious access to the higher realms but lack the energetic resonance at those levels for greater embodiment and activated power. That is what is being cleared and transformed now to shift to the next appropriate level for you on your journey to crystal being. Operate from that higher level consciousness in all your dealings.

Connect with Vega. This Heart (sun/star) was one of the Hearts closest to you at the time of my death/transformation (approximately 18,000 years ago) and holds many of the light codes and frequency of my Ascension. You are sister stars.

I love you. Remember you are pure heart. You are protected.”


Archangel Michael is back in His/Their position seated at the right hand of “God/El”, i.e. at the chamber of the Solar Beings (the collective consciousness of our Sun/Star). His/Their role is as a guardian for that consciousness that imprints that which has crafted human consciousness. He/They are not a “guardian” for the Sun however as that still seems to be Uriel’s jurisdiction. If you’re someone who’s had an affinity to Michael, then now is a good time to reconnect if you haven’t done so already. So far it doesn't look like the original function of this archangel/archetype was to be ‘out in the field’ (so to speak) engaging in spiritual warfare given what had been occurring in the Archangelic Realm and Earth in general. Rather it seems the original function is to guard/sustain/exist as the light. Also, He/They is no longer presenting to me as a ‘typical’ archangel… I haven’t been shown wings, the form is essentially a smaller version of what the Solar Beings look like, and there is no movement.

Archangel Gabriel is also revealing more about His/Her/Their function as a guiding principle for ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’ consciousness, i.e. the knowing/experience of the Father/Light/Consciousness and Mother/Black/Power Principle of the Divine. (Personally, this archangel still predominantly feels more similar to the Mother Principle than the Father, but it’ll be different for everyone.)

Archangel Raphael is very much present to support healing and balancing of minds, emotions, and bodies during this time. 

Archangel Asrael is available to support the balancing of our spiritual development from being so heavily ‘fire’-centered to strengthening the ‘water’-centered qualities. To be clear, both are powerful. We will find that these qualities are actually much weaker than we realize but it just goes to show how much we’ve grown overall in the recent Yang cycle (last 6 months). This balance must be established in order to align with the highest expression of what Mother Earth has for Her children. Bring coolness, flow, and adaptability to your work to balance out the intensity of the heat, passion, and rigidity that you’ve been accustomed to.


(This is for those who’ve already had contact with dragon energy, whether externally here on Earth or at a soul level as one of your dimensional aspects. Dragons make themselves known to you if there is a connection; you do not call them forth. They ‘may’ give you names to call them, but those are not their real names.)

In order to access what’s available/developing in the dragon experience, you must be willing to sacrifice/let die what you have come to know thus far. If not, you will progress no further in developing a relationship with this energy. For an external example, this might mean releasing your existing connection to an Earth-based or star-based dragon. For an internal example, this might mean releasing a dragon aspect of your soul. Regardless of the circumstances, the general theme seems to be one where that dragon energy to be released is connected to past pain, trauma, and battle. It is no longer needed for where you are going. It is to be dropped. Again, if you don’t, then you will ‘stall out’ in your development of this area. Release the underlying belief of responsibility and let it die. In this way the healing will occur and a new option will arise if/when appropriate.