How do we reclaim our birthright of wholeness?

Blessings Soul Family!

Have you noticed a pervading sense of overwhelm hanging in the background? 

If you answer yes, then you are very much aware that a lot has, is, and will continue to be going on that is directly impacting your well-being. So where is it coming from? From my perspective this deep sense of overwhelm is showing up in 3 ways: unconsciously, subconsciously, and consciously.

The unconscious overwhelm is in relation to the collective experience we’ve all had as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you know someone who’s been affected directly by this virus or not, this global “Sacred Pause” coupled with numbers of deaths & post-infection impacts is a shared experience in our collective humanity. When one of us hurts, we all hurt. Of course, this is in addition to other group struggles we may have shared: war in some places, environmental catastrophes in others, and death of citizens by the state. All of this impacts EVERYONE regardless of your socioeconomic status, race, gender, nationality, whatever. Events that impact large groups of people affect us all unconsciously.

The subconscious overwhelm has been highlighted by the global “Sacred Pause” by forcing us to all start facing and addressing those people, situations, or things that have required our attention for a while now. This can be incredibly confronting because we have to sit with what’s authentically there within us. How do we really feel? What do we really think? Where have we been giving away our power? Are we even happy in this relationship, job, friends group, etc? And of course, the trauma that may be bubbling up from the deep past… it can be a lot!

The conscious overwhelm is the typical in-the-moment life stuff that simply happens in the course of living that may have become increasingly difficult due to the pandemic. The internal resources that you might normally have for dealing with the conscious stuff is limited because of the unconscious and subconscious demands.
How do we safely process & release the overwhelm?

First ~ humanity has come to the place in its collective journey where we have to face the fact that we are souls having a human experience. This Truth must shift from simply being an idea to truly being a lived experience. You must decide to lead with your Soul. This is important because you can’t believe you have a right to wholeness if deep down you believe that you are inherently broken, flawed, or lacking worth. When we seek to reclaim our wholeness, our sovereignty, what we’re really seeking is to come home to our Self/Soul which is perfect. Anything else that doesn’t start from that perspective is a distraction.

I repeat: 

When we seek to reclaim our wholeness, our sovereignty, what we’re really seeking is to come home to our Self/Soul which is perfect. Anything else that doesn’t start from that perspective is a distraction. 

...and it’s a way to keep you from being fully in your power. Once you make the decision to live from “Soul first”, remember that you will be asked to go deeper, higher, wider, and farther than you’ve ever gone before. All of your humanity comes along on the path of wholeness...and your Soul is there with you every step of the way with unconditional and unfailing love for you.

Next ~ you’re going to have to learn new tools and approaches. What you’ve used and learned in the past has brought you to this point. Some of those things will now be obstacles for the deeper work. You have to be willing to let those go--with love and honor--and become curious again. And remember, you have just as much ability to learn more as another individual who you consider to be really “spiritual”. These labels mean nothing to your Soul. God is where you are and all things are possible with God. 

A missing topic in most spiritual containers is supporting your knowledge & skill with working with your energy body, which is literally your soul. You are more than a handful of chakras! You are a multidimensional being. And you have the capability to directly experience that, just like everyone else.

Finally ~ it will be important to cultivate a spiritual team. You have a vast network of support that ranges from beneficial ancestors, archangels, the elements, and more that are always available for you. Unlike humans which have limits on their internal resources, our spirit family can be present with us at any time and any place. Time and distance hold no barrier against them. This non-physical support system is yet another way where we have direct access to what we need regardless of whether or not we have our favorite tools with us. And to be clear, just because it may be a challenge at times to find this same support system in our existing familial, platonic, romantic, or professional relationships is no excuse to not cultivate our spiritual team. Remember - you are never alone, even in the midst of your hard times. This also helps to reaffirm and reinforce that you are a soul having a human experience.