Your Soul Purpose is not a Vocation

Blessings Soul Family!

Happy Lion’s Gate and month 4 of the Pluto Retrograde. Hopefully by now you are finding yourself to be incredibly strengthened in expressing your authenticity and intentional in how you work. As you know this Pluto retrograde journey has us exploring the concept of “You don’t have to work so hard”. You can catch up on the process thus far here:

Month 1 HERE.

Month 2 HERE.

Month 3 HERE.

Month 4 HERE.

Another part of this that I think is important to note is the idea around ‘soul purpose’. Because we've been conditioned to believe that our Soul Purpose must correlate to our production (see: capitalism), we cause ourselves immense amounts of suffering when we try to figure out what job or career path we're "supposed" to do in order to be aligned. But….

Your soul purpose is not a vocation

Your soul purpose is the in-every-moment authentic and (as much as possible) unencumbered expression of your Soul.

Please do not confuse a way of BEING with an ASSIGNMENT. 

An assignment can be a short-term action you must take or a longer-term development you must steward. Notice the keyword "must". Assignments are non-negotiable. They are for you to do whether you feel like it or not. They are contracts your soul may have made when it decided to incarnate for what it would do while it was here. They are actions. They can be short-term (like volunteering) or long-term (choosing to raise children differently than how you were raised).

The more people involved or are impacted by your assignment, the more you need to develop Saturnian characteristics: discipline, objectivity, consistency, skill development, mentorship, and all the other qualities that leaders need.  

Also, not everyone has an assignment. (Let that "pick me" energy die.)  

Are you tripping yourself up by trying to make your soul purpose into your career? Do you feel you're special because you have an assignment? Are you thinking you have no value because you don't have an assignment?

We must mature in our spiritual development work. This is especially true for lightworkers. The first step is reclaiming our Soul Sovereignty by deepening our understanding and active work with our true soul nature from idea to direct experience. Training this is a core component of the assignment for Inner Sun Alchemy via the Lightworker Incubator group coaching program. And there is more to come!