The Oracle's Journal - Final Entry

Blessings Soul Family!

I’m back with the FINAL installment of diary entries since the start of the pandemic. Missed the previous Oracle’s Journal entry? Check it out here:


I will be sharing snippets of this on Facebook and Instagram as well. Ask your questions or leave a comment on either one of those platforms!

With that being said, if what follows does not make sense or resonate, simply ignore it. Enjoy!

My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle

Important: some things may be shared as ‘past’ energy but remember: time doesn’t exist for the higher dimensions, therefore the ‘past’ is very much playing out in the future, i.e. our ‘now’.

June 18, 2020 

Mild anxiety/high mental activity this morning. (see the last part of Entry #5 for a laugh)

June 19, 2020 

I can see this Mercury retrograde is not going to be fun. Second day in a row of hyper active mental gymnastics. This time it was geared towards my dad. Rehashing in my mind, re-explaining how my asks of him were justified. Having space to tell him off. It makes me wonder how much of this still needs to be processed or if this is off-gassing. That would make sense do that then when Venus enters Cancer she can heal the ground in a deeper way. There was a lot that got excavated and purged last month into this month. It's like Mercury is raking away what was uprooted. Once the raking is complete, then some new soil will be added. Then new seeds will come. Understand that deep subconscious and unconscious work must happen in stages. This ensures a steady mind throughout the process along will minimal collateral damage. This also ensures that you retain wholeness and don't fractured the mind or the emotional body. 

June 20, 2020 

Major energetic shifts last night within the first 45 minutes of sleep. Felt my heart get flushed and get filled in a rush.

June 21, 2020 

Big insights coming thru about how reparations comes from the people who really hold the wealth not the government. A reminder about the money is for the service not the person or their 'worth' which is rooted in slavery and capitalist thinking. You are a thought leader. Culture creates consciousness and vice versa. Policies and laws may change or present a certain way on the surface but the culture behind the veil revels the truth. The money is 'easy' in this context because it's irrelevant. The amount doesn't matter. The work must get done in spite of humanity. Also reminder that it doesn't take everyone to change everything.

June 22, 2020 

Catharsis is for you not the other person. Woke up at 3am, had trouble falling back asleep but lots of energy. Eventually, settled back down and focused on expanding my etheric spine. Tightness at the muscles at the base of the spine, could feel the connection to jaws, shoulders, front of chest, etc. Relaxed it over time and then came to the top of the spine where the etheric waters are containing the full possibility field/Astral waters of the past. Release a male, Asian warrior past life. Big release in the body. The water is being cleared. As it does so I notice it becomes the perfect reflector of the star of the 6th chakra and creates a line of light all the way down to the root. Will continue with this and also notice when I grip at the base of the skull--which is often, creating unnecessary tension in the head. Thank you again ancestors. I celebrate your/my wins. Wearing the blue kyanite helped significantly to neutralize that scattered mind.

June 24, 2020 

Put up a grid for Los Angeles County to remain through next Tues to quell/neutralize extreme volatility, support crossing over of souls, covering lightworkers and Guardians, amplifying Nature kingdoms, and neutralizing/removing obstacles for this or attacks.

June 25, 2020 

Anchor and hold steady the light. The grid is the example of that, maintaining peace, ease, and flow within strongly/amplified is the other.

June 26, 2020

The Oracle wouldn't exist without Jynnette. Your humanity has always been centered. Jynnette is central to everything the soul does. “God willing, I'll see you next time” - I am starkly aware that me waking up every morning is a gift. That's not a morbid thing, it's a clear understanding of the ego death walk I took at the start of my active healing journey. I am now getting to a place in this moment, at this point in my life, where I can comprehend how the love, abundance, prosperity, and influence I have in people's lives can also happen when I'm no longer here. I don't have to leave a burden on those left behind (such as funeral expenses for the family). I can be a blessing in the afterlife too. I've never really been able to grok this idea fully because I didn't think I mattered. I was disconnected and never really felt part of a community. I had never really accepted being human, it never really felt like mine but that's the starseed thing. So now I'm here thinking about what I want to leave behind: patterns of behavior--the things I know to be true that bring people together to build healthy, deeply loving platonic relationships with one another. Interpersonal connection is key and central to culture in the new world. The key is doing things as a natural expression of who I am not as a response or reaction to something else (which centers that thing). That's what is revolutionary within the current system, but remember - you're already home, you've already been doing it, others are simply catching up or are already doing it as well. What would happen if you just created from what you already are vs as a response to system? Can you believe now that that's enough? You're already there, others are joining you, you are joining others. The network is already in place and more are coming online. If you stay where you are doing what you're doing, the road will open up even more. Transformation will happen even more quickly than you can imagine.

June 27, 2020

I do need to decide and receive guidance from my ancestors for what to adjust in my business. I have to keep the focus on what the higher trajectory work as Earth Guardian is vs what my ego flashes as all the possibilities--there's nothing wrong with the possibilities but it keeps me "busy" and trapped in the hamster wheel instead of walking more fully in faith with what my soul purpose is. I am open & receptive to a new way to allow for the expansion of this work in alignment with the highest trajectory of my Earth Guardianship. 

June 28, 2020 

While work is fulfilling, it is not the sum total of your needs/desire purpose. Keep these as a reminder of all that is open and available to you. Your humanity must flourish in tandem with your spirituality and there's catching up to do.