The Oracle's Journal - Entry 5

Blessings Soul Family!

I’m back with the fifth installment of diary entries since the start of the pandemic. Missed the previous Oracle’s Journal entry? Check it out here. ENTRY 4

I will be sharing snippets of this on Facebook and Instagram as well. Ask your questions or leave a comment on either one of those platforms!

With that being said, if what follows does not make sense or resonate, simply ignore it. Enjoy!

My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle

Important: some things may be shared as ‘past’ energy but remember: time doesn’t exist for the higher dimensions, therefore the ‘past’ is very much playing out in the future, i.e. our ‘now’.

June 5, 2020 

Ideas coming through from the full moon. Went into the Records, lots of interference of dark magic sort. Opened to container or Reality. Now anchoring to Reality. The consciousness is fighting the release of the traumatic experiences in some of these other timelines. Anchoring to reality requires the death of all of those parts and even the identities. I see my work for the remainder of this Venus retrograde. Will rock with this for 8 hours today then give my body a break and continue over the next 2 days. Gratitude for the examples of how not to be - self love and love for what I've been given and gifted runs deep right now. Continuing thru.

June 7, 2020 

Slept much better again tonight, 2nd time holding the Super 7 and held it all night surprisingly.  was guided to pick up some rum at Trader Joes and got Mount Gay (1910 solar eclipse, Barbados) and the layered roses. Mom reminded me of her grandfather being shot. Immediately sent me into deep tears. I realize I haven't connected with him to feel into his support. I'm deeply grateful for that door being opened now because of Ancient Father. I'm going to make a small beef stew for him and all the beneficial male ancestors. Put a placeholder name for him on my altar and made a beef stew. Came out pretty good considering I didn't have tomatoes and didn't use enough onion. Had a shot of the rum too. Sweet and strong, but that's enough. Lol!

June 8, 2020 

Great convo with a friend this morning which came again to the realization that we are already here/home, there's nothing left to strive for except the continuation of what we've been doing. Reminded me of my “builders” phrase from the lighthouse analogy. 

June 9, 2020 

Stages of healing. There is more than the trauma, there is also the mundane and the magical. Trauma can be present consciously, subconsciously  (childhood experiences/background noise of society), and unconscious (early life/generational experiences through the mothers). Three hearts - personal (only for you), relational (Eros and platonic), and spiritual (collective connection).

June 10, 2020 

Had a good, deep cry today. I realize a lot of this is continuing to clear longstanding grief and heartache (I have such a tender heart) along with a consequence of the collective spirit work done in the alumni group last week (ads I had told folks, a lot of grief was going to be released). Also settled back into the timing and wisdom of the astrology of a lot of what's coming thru is truly for next year and not necessarily for the autumn season due to the Mars retrograde in Aries. I have to allow myself this space because that is what is going to give me the opportunity to create.

June 11, 2020 

Great Oracle Talks today - completely unexpected but it's all good. Ancestors. Shadow. The Seeker. Withdraw. Powerful messages. Not sure if there is anything else specific for me to do for tomorrow's ancestor day--besides make cornmeal porridge. I feel balanced and grounded but I'll still check in tomorrow to see if there is anything they need support with. Did some somatic stretching and foam rolling to loosen up and lengthen. The last 2 nights have been filled with lots of muscle spasms in my left leg and I'm a bit swollen in both feet overall. I haven't worked out all week with the bicep bulge and with the incredible heat. I feel like my body has been having a very difficult time balancing internal temperature--understandably as this fan can only do so much. Deeply grateful that it's supposed to be cooler these next few days. Thank you Mother Earth.

June 14, 2020 

I got the download yesterday that I could do an event for men to help reconnect them to their ancestors and that subsequent protection and Earth. It's been interesting to watch my insecurities come up around leadership--even though part of my name/lineage is "High Priest of War".... interesting that this role did not seem to be embraced by my father or his father--the spiritual power & blessings bestowed to the "warriors". I also recognize 2 other things - trauma around them being harmed or killed, and emasculating them because of the first trauma. I have a death grip of fear around losing them. I need the help of my men ancestors who are healed and whole who represent the energy for healthy, empowered masculine energy especially when activated in protector or warrior roles. I also have noticed that my libido has been shot recently. My heart is tight. Good masturbation session after such a long time tho thankfully.

June 15, 2020

...and then you sleep with your gold aura quartz and wake up with a strong realization not to trip because it should be easy and flow, and then you see examples of other Black women who live with that level and freedom with partners who are devoted to them and again realize you were tripping. They should already "be there" not still trying to "get there". There's nothing to convince about. Full stop. 

June 16, 2020

In meditation today the insight was coming thru in a deeper way that the planet is my/our home. We are global citizens in a sense but ultimately this entire planet is our home. Wherever we go we are home. There are different worlds--cultures, customs, consciousnesses--but the planet itself is home. I'm actually feeling that in a way that I haven't before, a deeper way in that my body/unconscious is accepting now that I have let the other soul identity or mission die/complete and energetically move on. I've been walking between two worlds for so long, I didn't realize how much I'd been straddling two realities. Now I am coalescing back into myself--and have been for some time--and am linking up with Earth in a new way. This does not erase the knowledge and wisdom gained (offence/defense) that I may call upon at anytime, but now allows me the opportunity to feel into a Mother who is strong, doesn't need to be rescued, and now more comfortably express her sovereignty. And the thing is there's not much of a fight. Her doing so melts away the oppression.

June 17, 2020 

Restful day for the most part and this time I participated in Dario's somatic class live. Buck came thru today which was awesome, to ground with him. My sexual energy is raging on & off since I've been stoking that fire but it's good, necessary. Mental space is a little erratic but I just remembered that Mercury stations retrograde today. I'll be better in flow tomorrow.