The Oracle's Journal - Entry 4

Blessings Soul Family!

I’m back with the fourth installment of diary entries from the past few months - essentially throughout this pandemic & revolution. Missed the previous Oracle’s Journal entry? Check it out HERE.

I will be sharing snippets of this on Facebook and Instagram as well. Ask questions or leave comments that you have there!

With that being said, if what follows does not make sense or resonate, simply ignore it. Enjoy!

My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle

The Oracle’s Journal - Entry 4

Important: some things may be shared as ‘past’ energy but remember: time doesn’t exist for the higher dimensions, therefore the ‘past’ is very much playing out in the future, i.e. our ‘now’.

***These entries continue my sacred time of the 40-day Venus retrograde so there is a mix of personal and ‘lightworker’ material here at time***

May 22, 2020 [NEW MOON in Gemini (2°) at 10:39am PT. Mercury conjunct Venus retrograde in Gemini (19°). Sun in Gemini (1°) trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius (1°). Mercury in Gemini (20°) square Neptune in Pisces (20°).]

Had a profound experience of having Shaman Durek help me craft a new sword in the astral to help me with transmutation--come to find out it was for my Pleiadian who was immediately showing up in new armor-divine metal/gold. The sword is similar-not exact-to the one on the Ace of Swords card, also with gold accents. The sword feels good in my hands. Then I got the ping of Defender, also Light Guardian. Then I saw a grip of Valkyries coming from the Pleiades, a massive army of support (??).

May 23, 2020 [Grand Air trine to Super Galactic Center at 2° Libra still in effect from yesterday]

Upon waking got a little insert of a dark energy, single eye, traced it back to a green reptile (literally an upright crocodile/alligator), realized connection to Saturn & the protection of metal, saw the reptile encased in a sheer, azure cube, saw myself at the edge of the Borehole north of Murmansk, noticed a green jewel at the bottom of the hole, it shot up out of the hole, started spinning, and then the other jewels of different colors were uprooted from the Earth and spun all around it. I'm guessing these are dark energy jewels, for what purpose I do not know yet. I want to know:

*where do they come from 

*what is their purpose

*who, if any, controls them

*do they need to be removed, replaced, or destroyed

In night meditation I got the vision of this "bone" erected from below me, a large woman came & sat on it, and then it began to extend out past the atmosphere. I cloaked with the black onyx, we went to the Pleiades, tried to figure out what particular star we were going to (possibly Merope but not strong), saw a King (like on the Pentacles card) which was using tactics to dissolve my shield and take me/some of the energy. We quickly retracted back to Earth staving off infiltration, upon reentering atmosphere had angelic forces explode the tracker, I flooded the protective Earth grid with metal which created a repulsion & expulsion releasing dark clouds from the planet into space and pushing back the entities which were neutralized in a vat of silver and taken to dissolve in the Sun. Then the SGC popped into mind and I realized that the triangle that an elder lightworker has been referencing for the past few years is actually aligned with the Super Galactic Center.

May 24, 2020 [Mars in Pisces (8°) sextile Uranus in Taurus (8°)]

Held onto my onyx all night - actually woke up with it in my hand. After much mental ado in my meditation, I finally felt the stuck emotions shift and realized that what I was feeling wasn't really mine. Felt like a manipulation. I also made the choice to use the Pink Water Lily essence early. Will add Jade back again. Also ended up supporting Earth’s release, focused on amplifying Her vs going into fight mode. There was an octopus with that jewel wedged in its crown, was released to another dead octopus energy cluster just outside the planet and shifted to The Release Gate. Lots of releases in southeast Asia. There was an albino spider there with what looked like a tooth anchor, removed that as well. Asking for the continued metallic repair of Earth's secondary shield. New tentative 7D shield for me. Redid spiritual altar and Raphael came thru to support healing, and new (renewed) insight that the "higher" dimensional are "future" aspects and companion dragon was starting to shimmer blue/lavender so he’s ready for his upgrade. Recognized his essence in the 6 of cups card as the blue dragon so we will both sit with Mother Earth over the coming week (important to let Her be new mother instead of mourning old one) so that we both can continue our healing and he can fully shift blue--gratefully cried tears. Next is the healing of divine masculine principle at this stage especially given the release of that other false twin aspect. My job is to cultivate the Mother more. Also that this time period (Summer/Spring) is now regularly supporting individuals in crossing the threshold into their next dimensional layer. The process is the same at each different juncture point just like with me and others. We light the way of the direction to go and some of us, like myself, also sit at the thresholds to add support/protect in those liminal stages. This dark magician stuff is upper level (3rd) of the Astral plane. 

May 25, 2020 

Woke up really early and forced myself to look at my next stage of healing: the mental blocks and rigidity. Saw this as related to trauma adaptation (manage/control other people's chaos so I feel safe). Took a while to loosen that energy up to even start working with it. Eventually called in spirit team to support my healing, they flushed a lot out of me (to the point where I finally saw my 5D as the clear bright blue it should have always been and the barrier between Astral and mental dissolved -- most of it anyway, I'll have to keep at it this week to stabilize the connection). Realized what was being flushed out was current as well as layers of stuff from my soul’s time on the planet. Reminded me of the image with the various layers of the crust correlating to different ages on Earth - all the soul memories that aren't necessarily specific to me but rather my entry point to the collective consciousness (ALL life forms at the crust experience) were being cleared. Came back to the deep void of her before land formed, saw myself as suspended between two energy bodies--black (her) and 'white' (cosmos). Saw the pale blue light of SGC in the distance. A huge anchor was released from what looked to be my dragon father (militarized). That plugged the hole in me. Released magic shackles on my left ankle and saw different levels of consciousness ascending--reaffirming the different "me's" in different bands of consciousness. The wounded me was shackled again with a separate shackle but had the key and just wasn’t freeing herself. She then freed herself and I walked her up the stairs and we emerged at Lake Manasarovar. I had her use the water to gently clean her wounded leg and we practiced strengthening & relaxing the muscles like Dario Moore has been teaching in his somatic release IGTV classes (@dario.j.moore). Then we were visited by a Daughter of the lake who bestowed iridescent blue scales to my/her leg. I/her then transformed into my version of her, deep brown black skin, thicker/loc'd hair, etc and went to the surface water with the Daughter who then began teaching me/her different dance movements. Then the elemental dragon of the lake emerged with a blue flame above its head. It bathed the “higher self” me at the shore in its flames. I shed a tear of gratitude. It then swallowed me and took me underground to show me where the stronghold was in the area and also the threat in the sea (a dragon) which I would end up releasing the river Daughter to inadvertently. Came back to the lake and called upon etheric platinum to seep through the smaller tributaries underground. This immediately dislodged the stronghold/AI which was actually in the Red World. Also got rid of the Dragon in the water sending it back down to that dimension. They were still trying to break through and I covered the entry point in Fe and magnetized it to the point where the stronghold collapsed in on itself and the red jewel within exploded from the pressure. Some of the remaining dark energy was contained in a tornado by the air elementals. We trapped the energy which ended up being a tiny dragon, boxed it up, and sent it in a platinum plasma tube back to Saturn. Cataurized the land wound strengthening the graft lines and set up an etheric platinum column connecting to the protective grid. The Daughter of the river is an aspect of the one in Lake Manasarovar. Will need to go back to see when it's good to release her once land is healed and stable.

I notice that I'm frustrated with the hyper focus on trauma when I want to focus on creativity but I realize this is really 2 things: 1) space needs to be cleared for the new and soil carefully recalibrated to support the new work & relationships (the further along you go the more subtle the work)....holding center is hard; 2) things toggle between the 2 in the liminal/beginning stage, as you get further along then it will be more “3 of pentacles” vs “2 of pentacles”.

May 26, 2020 

I guess we're moving into the mental body layer. Used obsidian and citrine as well but no specificity about the what/the root. And then in today's 21 Day Abundance work noticed that the issue or trigger or fear is taking agency on where I want to go--and even feeling like I have the right to do so. This is a trauma response from childhood of operating from hypervigilance to control my surroundings as much as possible (which leads to the mental spirals when others aren't doing what I think they should do when they're having problems) or feeling like I have no power and will just have to deal with whatever comes my way. The key is the intentionality (Magician). That will to take up space and live, to create what my soul desires, navigating that dance of tapping into the feeling/flow vs creating projections of the mind...improper use of mental power--improper comes later after enough feminine energy has been created, then the masc mind can shape it. The cards were consistently showing the importance of the feminine, I'm seeing this part of why. Mind needs to be brought to heel when it's moving ahead of the Spirit. That's my “devil”, at least part of it anyway for today. How am I using my power, i.e. am I submitting to Spirit or no. It's not a judgment, it's a check-in. What agency am I taking? What clarity am I engaging with in things, decisions? Where this part is battling is where my resolve has to strengthen, my true Mind, not my trauma mind. What is my choice? Strengthen THAT fire. Not doing so is another version of the Victim complex. That is also the “manipulation factor” of trickster energy = not directly addressing something, trapping, bait 'n switch, not revealing intentions, etc. The sword of truth is the representation of the divine masculine because it is clear and single, undivided. This is what Gemini teaches us--what seems as polarity on the surface, masc & femme, is actually a singular essence. BE THE SWORD. That gives a healthy mental body. So where was I not taking agency yesterday? I did let the day get away from me, started to wiggle out of my focus with my work and actually did NOT accomplish my goal when I actually could have if I had remained in a space of agency, i.e. actively focused on completing my work. I see more subtle places where I'm leaning out of exercising that power. It's important for me to watch where I give my power away to my ego. The greater the internal resistance, the greater the reward in the reclamation of personal power. 

May 28, 2020 [Mercury moves into Cancer]

Upon waking this morning I got the realization that I now need to focus on (throughout the NN Gemini for sure) expanding my network of people who are already on soul purpose and who are spiritually grounded, centered, with healthy self-care habits in place with boundaries, and open/loving/creative/free hearts--essentially those who are already exploring and building upon the ‘new land’. And I have to lean into the feeling of what that flow feels like. Thank you Mother Source for revealing to me the next stage of freedom & abundance I get to experience as my new normal, where I get to see more of that fear of leaving others behind dissolve, where I get to have my needs met by being surrounded by reflections of ALL of me. I couldn't see it then in this way, but this is part of why I'm tired. My ‘fire’ isn't amplified enough in the presence of similar ‘fire’. In truth, I have some dope ass friends however, I need to push through to take the time to invest in MORE. (The container must expand when you expand). In particular I'd love to have more Black people in my life who embody this Yes/New Land energy. Just as quickly as other things have manifested, this can manifest as well. I guess I've now shifted to the Astral body work (relational layer). And I'll have to watch those tendrils of victimhood thought patterns that will come up on some "woe is me" shit.

May 29, 2020 [WAXING MOON in Virgo (9°) at 8:30pm PT.]

I used the time after class to catch up on admin things instead of forcing myself into other work. Great choice and still kept my commitment to inner child and finished the final season of She-Ra. Almost didn't do 30 minutes of regular meditation. It was an important decision to make. I don't "move" anyway--the place emanates from me, whether I'm consciously connecting or not, but my experience of suffering or lack thereof is based on where I direct my attention, to God first or the human perspective. Right action always follows when Source is first. A forever reminder. Must continue to also affirm to coalesce my attention to this present moment as opposed to getting stuck in/addicted to multiple consciousness realities. I do not need to see through all the eyes of my soul, I need to see through Jynnette. Woke up tired today tho. These last 2 days I haven't meditated before bed so gotta tighten up. Today has been hard on my heart. I might need to chill. We'll see. The additional police murders have triggered massive uprisings, sacred rage, etc. It's all beautiful but also incredibly hard on my heart. Even outside of that I'm feeling super drained mentally, emotionally, and physically. Overwhelmed. Before this even started. I have to focus on one thing and give an inordinate amount of time to sitting in silence with Mother Source. My energy needs to be restored drastically. Sleep isn't cutting it--this is different.

May 30, 2020

Rough morning. Feeling overwhelmed with the uprisings around the murder of Black people and the collective rage. Pushed thru to exercise regardless. A few tears. A quick check in with a Black male friend. He is also vacillating, understandably… he wrote, “the garden is no more and the warriors are not distracted”. I replied, “the garden is still here, the warriors need generals, new recruits need training, we press on. #Arise” Something in me shifted. Felt more grounded. 

June 1, 2020

Today's lightworker alumni group work has been completed. The grid is up and will remain to finish the integration. We released strongholds & seals at the following locations......

Temple of the White Lotus, Ukraine

Cebu, Phillipines

Melbourne, Australia

Chetumal, Mexico

Galveston, Texas

Gulf of Mexico


Alaqol State Nature Reserve, Kazakhstan 

Merowe Reserve, Sudan

Lough Arrow, Ireland

Islamabad, Pakistan

Balayuk & surrounding caves, Kazakhstan 


Crystal vein (near Arkansas)

June 2, 2020 [Venus retrograde in Gemini (14°) square Mars in Pisces (14°).]

Deep meditative sleep where I got activations and deeper reconnections to Earth, was immediately taken to Kola region and saw myself as the being that was trapped there healed, bright, and emerging from beneath. Flashes in right eye, bottom of left foot and full left side as gold/white light which started flooding energy into my body (different than downloads from "above") and right foot and full right side as blue/white which created another flow of energy. Saw one of the profile images for BLM and my mind went to Alicia Garza (on left), and then Michael Bernard Beckwith popped in (on right), then I saw an equilateral triangle emerge with seals at each point--the two at each of my hands and the third at my crown. Spun to the right, noticed what looked to be a firebird but actually seemed to be a rip in timespace, noticed it turned into a seal in the atmosphere above Kola, I commanded a Galactic Fire beam to emit from the top of the triangle into the center of the seal which was sucking in energy. The atmosphere burned away to reveal the descended Red Earth (lots of machinery) so I guess that might have been a projection portal into our world? Then noticed that the entire vein along the longitudinal axis of Africa is under attack with the black/purple light but there is another anchor of a goddess energy (can't tell if it's a Daughter or a placeholder for a Mother) at the southern tip. Asked for Galactic Fire to purify that region too. Tomorrow is the Inferior conjunction (eclipse) of Venus with the Sun which signals her coming out of the "underworld", i.e. subconscious. Today is the last day of the essences I've been using: Pink Water Lily, Jade, Pasque Flower, & Blackberry. Tonight I will use Trabadelo. Starting tomorrow Fisterra & Masterwort.

June 3, 2020 [Sun conjunct Venus retrograde in Gemini (13°).]

New set of essences for the coming weeks of Venus retrograde until further notice: Goldenrod, Milkweed, Masterwort, Fisterra. As I was meditating this morning it became apparent (tears) that I'm now healing the 5D layer which is where this mind is projecting out of control about what can be moving forward instead of being connected to the vision coming from Earth. Saw that this "bridging of polarities" is the reconciling of the stellar consciousness vs Earth consciousness. I reiterated to that aspect of myself that the mission has been completed and therefore a new template could be put in place b/c it was still operating as if our identity is only of the stars which has been leading to the behavior of imposing it's will on the planet vs serving the planet, i.e. asking it and others what it needs. Ah yes, colonial thought. Well-intentioned but easily manipulated and misconstrued. There was also a lack of connection to heart energy here, but again was that sense of belonging. That part of me didn't feel like home because it couldn't register many others who were the same (star races) but that's the issue--the soul is of Source, period. The consciousness templates or identities taken on are distinct to the area and not to be clung to as what I truly am. Therefore the feeling of disconnect at that level was in part not letting go of the other template/identity now that the mission has been completed. (When I shifted that out, I saw my DNA shift to what looked like plant buds and I found myself turning into an etheric tree.) Of course, if one does not want to give up the old template (unfinished business, perhaps?) or doesn't want to serve Earth or doesn't want to stay here then that is their free will. But if I'm making that choice, which I did, then I must take the time to integrate and start tuning into the massive family/support available to me and start exploring this new identity. Nothing is lost although things are inactive/removed as hindrances. I don't need to carry them. It's time to move on. Fully embrace the change. Grieving will have to happen to say goodbye. Ritual or ceremony to have those conversations or say goodbye where necessary is good today as Venus rises (phoenix). Getting onto the next mission which seems to be supporting those who have answered the Call for Earth Guardianship. The PTSD around the separation from my Mother Dragon has been healed by reconnecting to Mother Earth. But this family piece is next. I've asked for support in releasing this trauma so that I may receive all that Source has for me in this transition. Reminders that everyone has strength now...even if they didn't before, they do now. Everyone is rooted in.