The Oracle's Journal - Entry 3

Blessings Soul Family!

I’m back with another installment of diary entries over the past few months to give you a peek into the upper level spiritual work that I (and other) lightworkers have been doing to support the return of soul sovereignty to the human race and defending Earth’s sovereignty. Missed the first 2 entries? Check them out here:



My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle

Important: some things may be shared as ‘past’ energy but remember: time doesn’t exist for the higher dimensions, therefore the ‘past’ is very much playing out in the future, i.e. our ‘now’.

The Oracle’s Journal - Entry 3

May 8, 2020 

Last night after freeing the being at Mount Bisoke and giving her back to Earth for healing & safe keeping, I got the ping to work with each of the feminine archangels to receive messages from each and how they'll be healing me throughout the night. Lots of intel for heart healing, braiding polarities, integration. Essentially working on healing the split and integrating the “trinity” matrix. Woke up early this morning (finally 6 hrs of sleep) noticing a giant squid/octopus at the higher dimensional levels tangled in the midst of my etheric DNA, although this felt galactic almost. Tried the amniotic sac technique, egg shell, and finally landed on “reverse” tech which propelled it out. There is protection in place with the feminine archangels from some lower distortion, some higher dimensional DNA obstruction was removed and a male dragon (soldier?) aspect was removed from me and I felt more synergy & alignment with the angelic realm. There's still lots of attempts at infiltration of my energy body…

May 9, 2020 [Mercury in Taurus (24°) trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (24°)]

Tears today. Getting the sense that these tears are because a part of me/my soul is realizing that that part of my journey (the lost dragon) has been released and that I no longer need to carry that; I don't need to go back and save Mother; I get to live. In other words, the trauma at that level is finally being processed and released. For Venus retrograde spend time with Parent Source, just be in the Void, there's nothing else you have to do. You’ll have 6 months to fully let this seep through but make 40 days of the retrograde for sacred, seed time. Give Her that priority. Let Her/Parent Source heal your heart. You'll be able to receive the love of Mother Earth more deeply after that. 

May 10, 2020 [Mercury in Taurus (27°) trine Jupiter in Capricorn (27°). Sun in Taurus (20°) sextile Neptune in Pisces (20°). Saturn goes retrograde at Aquarius (1°).]

Saturn retrogrades today. Realizing that this releasing is a death process--I'm not getting those aspects back. The reason being: I completed the mission. So all those aspects (I think) are getting jettisoned slowly but surely as a new way of being for the soul clears into view. It's feeling like a deep grieving process. The Jade essence has been helping significantly to bring up vulnerable emotions even though it's definitely NOT fun. I have to pace myself so that I don't digress. 

May 13, 2020 

Venus went retrograde yesterday. The beginning of the 40 days. Body was really tired and achy this morning. Did meditation with Mother Source to receive--refill the well--and I feel good, much more grounded in my body. I didn't realize how depleted it was. I mean I did, but this was an important reminder of how easily and quickly I can get what I need by asking for it. And how the depletion fuels the fears because it fractures the consciousness. When I'm getting what I need from God, then I take action without fear, see clearly, am open and empowered. May have to shift to 1 hour of filling in the morning and leave 30 min for night. Will be taking it easy today.

May 14, 2020 [WANING MOON in Aquarius (24°) at 7:03am PT. Jupiter goes retrograde at Capricorn (27°). Sun in Taurus (24°) trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn (24°)]

Was a rough morning meditation - I had gotten up early instead of waiting till my body woke up. Won't do that again. Did both flower essences early. Skipped 2nd breakfast to do Oracle Talks, got super tired and had to nap. Picked back up energy, hit the store, and finished the day strong. Evening meditation was better. Used the 3 etheric metals to fortify my body. Felt much better.

May 15, 2020 

Sleep was off….most likely because I had tea so late in the afternoon. Had trouble falling back asleep, found myself spiraling emotionally down. Came to the realization that part of this is to see how much I leak emotional energy, project into others worrying about how they might feel if I limit their access to me, my anger/frustration of men who are not safe (actively) or with unhealed hearts (consciously or unconsciously) wanting to invade my space and which showed how little boundaries I have to keep them out (and others). Having to battle with myself that I don't have to grant all access to me all the time if at all and dealing with the emotional triggers around that: worrying about what others think instead of prioritizing what I feel comfortable with. Made me realize how much of myself I give which is why there's also the push to make these business adjustments to limit my energetic output. With others I can simply say no or limit information given. I can also give alternatives to things I am open to. However, I am not to shake out of my boundaries. I could feel a shift happen internally. A sealing of my aura field close to my body. Felt very different, like I was coalescing into myself. Felt solid. Will sit in meditation with that one for integration. This 40 day transit is going to be interesting......

May 16, 2020 

During the meditation my attention was brought to the being at the lake in Murmansk region. I facilitated the removal of the attachment and noose and gave her to Gaia to support her healing with peach & pink light. Noticed her being absorbed into the crust of the Earth and being balanced out in stasis. Will have to check in on the region for confirmation that that clearing work has been completed. In night meditation I saw the past male angel of me (post-dragon timeline) was actually a dark magician in my 5th level which is why there's been so much warfare and boundary crossing there. I let it die and he was consumed by the darkness. I was brought back to “heaven” (6D) as a Pleiadian female soldier and the access point from the Dark was sealed. I got the impression that both (“Dark Magician” & Pleiadian soldier) were splits/hybrids (??) off of the Dragon I was--and this male dying off is a necessary consequence after seeing the larger male dragon energy get removed--when I was with the Arcturans. Apparently they engineered that split possibly? For what purpose, I don't know yet. That Pleiadian aspect was me in Joshua Tree who hid the lights and the male was the twin companion (also the harmonic/template of my other “twins”) and I got the phrase "evil twin" with him. I was trying to understand why the change in him, such as trickery or internal wounding, but it seemed to be the attack at Joshua Tree? it was over at that point so he hasn't even really been free this entire time.... Something about the shifts I'm making--i.e. no longer able to be controlled--was triggering the pushback along with the paternal line. I sent my Pleiadian aspect to take off her armor, receive restoration from Mother Source in the presence of the heavenly realms. We'll touch base later as I'm holding the intention for a new contract/choice point since the mission was accomplished: i.e. I made it back. I feel openness and flow thru 5D & 6D now. This must be the threshold of the 7D activation embodiment -- didn't realize that was happening so fast. Meditating with the rose quartz feels really good. And I'm loving the Pink Water Lily essence. 

May 17, 2020 [Sun in Taurus (24°) trine Jupiter retrograde in Capricorn (27°)]

Got a good cry in this morning around how much I miss and need touch. If my bestie does end up rolling thru today, then I'll ask if he's comfortable with giving me a hug and holding me for a while, with masks on of course. He said yes. While working out I noticed that I finally have access to my spinal muscles that go down the back to the perineum along with the vagal musclesl. Finally felt that entire wrap of supportive muscles and it was opening up my sexual energy in a different way. I think my orgasms will be changing. Great question from my time with bestie: What can I add from what I already have where I have been wanting more expression but may be restricted in the current setting? Started meditation with Mother at etheric level. Will continue thru the week.