The Oracle's Journal - Entry 2

Blessings Soul Family!

I’m back with another installment of diary entries over the past few months to give you a peek into the upper level spiritual work that I (and other) lightworkers have been doing to support the return of soul sovereignty to the human race and defending Earth’s sovereignty. If you didn’t get a chance to read Entry 1, you can review it on my Blog page HERE.

I will be sharing snippets of this on Facebook and Instagram as well. I ask that instead of replying to this newsletter to ask me questions about what is shared, that you instead do so on Instagram or Facebook when I make those posts. This is so that I only have to answer the question ‘once’ instead of having to address the same topic with multiple people in my inbox AND opens up connections to others that you may have shared awareness/experience with. It is time to more actually develop and expand the strategic network of lightworkers.

With that being said, if what follows does not make sense or resonate, simply ignore it. Enjoy!

My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle

The Oracle’s Journal - Entry 2

April 30, 2020 [Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus (6°). WAXING MOON in Leo (10°) at 1:38pm PT.]

I was reminded of the past life remembrance of my mission (in what is now called Joshua Tree) to hide the “lights” (souls) in the midst of the attack on the Nature kingdoms. I’m having to move thru deep fear of freeing the “lights”/children in case they'd be put in danger again. I realized I had been hiding them within me and because I had “shifted into” 5D (and had the recent upgrades: 6D higher self & archangelic/Galactic Council overlay), they could be released here on this new ‘timeline’. They appeared as tiny lights around me, then I was connected with an early Earth time sitting in a circle with 2 other Aborginal Elders--although it was clear I wasn’t one of them exactly (I definitely seemed to be a ‘visitor’)…. I was crone AND ‘pregnant’ with that same cluster of “lights”. I’m trying to determine if the “lights” were from Earth (Earthseeds--i.e. Indigenous to this solar system, or were Starseeds). 

May 1, 2020

I worked with Incubator alumnus to upgrade a Nordic “giant” (Earth Guardian) in Apatity, Russia (Rola peninsula) so it could fight off the beast(s) at the portal entry connecting Earth to the Nordic Sun. Collapsed the full wormhole connecting Earth and that Sun as it had been fully compromised for a while and sealed the Earth portal entry. Part of one of the beasts was taken by Galactic Centaurs (?) for evidence compilation (Cosmic Law has been breached and a case is being built for Judgement and Karmic Balancing). There were armies of soldiers at the uppermost dimensional level of the “Red Earth” who were ready/willing/able to pay off karmic debt. I allowed them to support the Nordic giant in fighting the beasts in the wormhole. Once the mission was completed, they were elevated to the lowest level of the Astral realm to reunite with loved ones and begin/continue their healing/’return to Source’.

May 2, 2020

I removed an implant/entity off of a grey wolf that presented to me in dream time. Once removed, the wolf grew huge, to the height of a multi-story building--its energy body was kept small due to being fed off of by the entity. An indigenous (Los Angeles = Tongva land) masculine elder presented after that healing was completed. The wolf is now accompanying me as a friend & protector when called upon. The Nordic giant is also with me - I gave him instructions to continue working for Earth to defend/protect. Had an ‘upgrade’ - golden lotus vision grafting Hyades template at solar level to act as a connector between them and Earth (Gaia as Nature tho, not the planet which was already reconnected to the Cosmic Mother Star Dragon in fall 2018). The “Red Earth” is still disruptive down to the core so will have to decide what to do with them. I was shown 3 dark mages (necromancers who steal earth material and reanimate it with dark energy and black magic). I want to learn from them but must consider a safe and karmically balanced exchange. Ascending out of their realm is not an option & there's a risk of them being hijacked by something else on another planet if they were moved elsewhere. They are quarantined in that “hell space” until further notice. The "black dragon" energy is there lurking behind them. 

I am a Mother-in-Training, possibly taking a position at our Sun or another star.

May 3, 2020 [Venus in Gemini (20°) square Neptune in Pisces (20°).]

I learned more about my “lights”: 7 of the 9 are actually protectors from "Mardek" (or whatever the name is for the planet that used to be where the asteroid belt is now). They were with me at Joshua Tree and had also answered the planet's call for help for the “lights”...among other things. I answered the call for help for the planet as I have a star dragon lineage (Earth consciousness and all planets’ consciousness as far as I can tell are what I refer to as ‘stellar’ dragons vs elemental/smaller ones). We made a contract that I would hide the lights and they would protect me, contract with the "Devil" that I would not be touched (I think this is with the upper level archangel??). These are the star beings I first saw in my 2016 upgrades & also my dragon aspect/companion that I reunited with in Joshua Tree. Turns out the dragon was the carrier of the “lights” until I came back to this area of Earth and reunited with it; it was there that the “lights” were released back into my field because I essentially reunited with my dragon lineage (i.e. re-membered it or got the ‘DNA activation’ due to my physical presence there which unlocked my conscious access to more of my soul). These lights are the crown of orbs that was revealed in my first aura photo back in the early 2000s. My healer at the time picked up 9 souls (she registered them as children), but it looks like the actual “children” were 2 “lights” hidden behind the 7 protectors in front, and they are actual Earthseeds. The 7 are presenting primarily as masculine with one or two feminine energies; dragon is full spectrum as it has womb space due to its nature. I'm to work with this team over two nights to support my etheric body in repairing and integrating before the full moon at the latest (Thurs) but ideally Tues (North Node change into Gemini). A new candle must go up to anchor the new soul clause--it seems they will be with me at least until the children are born but most likely for life. 

May 4, 2020 [Sun conjunct Mercury in Taurus (13°).]

There's a block for me in fully connecting with Earth--it's something I can attempt to heal on Thurs after I've completed this early repair work on my etheric body. I have to lean into sending the excess lightning (Galactic Fire) to various locations throughout the world as places/people ask for help; it's not needing to be controlled. The angelic armies can be sent and the Lightworker Incubator alumni group can address the bigger things on a session basis. In alumni session worked on liberating the 4 Sisters (3 at Lake Nicaragua & 1 at Lake Vel'ké Hincovo pleso), created large triangle for the work, and received the Earth Guardian mantles when they were freed. One of them returned to Caleano in the Pleiades--presented as human-like). The one associated with Fire had to sacrifice herself--she was the one who trapped the other 3 after being tricked herself. The Fire mantle we can activate collectively until someone chooses to take that portion on. We can now more clearly call to our other family/lightworkers with our “soul song”. Got guidance that I need to stay fully indoors tomorrow for the north node shift.

May 5, 2020 [North Node enters Gemini]

Started today with my 7th Mother in my matrilineal line for daily conscious communion time over the next 40 days. Figured out that the merger of consciousness with my 6D comes thru expanding 4/5/6D layers of aura and then I'm fully “above the clouds” in heaven. Finally saw the Aqualine/Spiritual Sun (the Archangelic realm). Here a masculine angel approached with hooved feet. I called in the Cetaceans to call him home to Mother and a demonic angel was separated from him & quarantined for Cosmic Law/Judgement. The true angel was immediately transferred back to the Aqua Sun for healing in the waters and repentance. Got intel that similar trickery happened with the Archangel realm as the Fire sister from the alumni group work the other day. The Aqua Sun is the “integrated” Sun (i.e. the Heart connection is there with Mother) and our current Sun is the "fallen" Sun which is why the core has always looked empty to me on the etheric. The masc/men need to be reconnected to their feminine template (part of the issue is they keep focusing on an external person as the one to give/get it, especially in twin contexts), but the feminine template is non-specific (i.e. you don't have to connect to a twin or soulmate to get it) on one level they also have to battle the martyr/savior complex within. 3 cards to describe my mission thus far: Strength (Earth Guardianship mantle received), 3 of Wands (new incarnation chapter is open to be written NN Gemini), Justice (Cosmic Law embodiment).

May 6, 2020

Got the ping to work with the 21st Mother in the maternal line. Also the early Dragon childhood memories of the birthing pods, militarized dragons, etc. came through again. M7 cluster is the direction where the Mother Dragon is and her attacker on the etheric planes.

May 7, 2020 [Mercury in Taurus (20°) sextile Neptune in Pisces (20°). FULL MOON in Scorpio (17°) at 3:45am PT.]

I woke up at 3am. I removed the mantle/armor given from the 3 Sisters during that alumni group session along with the waters poured into my heart--placed it in a chalice. Then I put them both in a golden armoire in the Records to begin purification, and then passed them back to the Guardians of Cosmic Law. Two reasons for this removal - 1) I realized there was a lot of residue that was seeping in from the Sisters’ 'stuff' that wasn't mine and it was making my energy field porous and susceptible to boundary crossing; 2) I already have MY mantle because my Soul already said Yes to Love/Service (which is why I incarnated)--there's nothing more that needs to be taken on, my Yes is enough. I'm also doing a sharp correction and discernment process around those beings asking the alumni group for help given the recent mix of intentions: those who are truly indigenous to the land who were attacked/captured (such as the "dinosaur" we freed) and those who came here from other stars and got themselves into trouble through their own choices (such as the Sisters-- they're star sisters not Earthseed sisters...they went to another planet after being freed). Being a true Earth Guardian must center the reestablishment of soul sovereignty for indigenous beings and Earth proper (regardless of whether one is a Starseed or Earthseed). The Nordic giant whom I'm calling "Giantsbane" for the time being is a perfect example of one descended from a star race yet who is clearly dedicated to the Earth. He's still here committed to service and does not operate from the martyr/savior complex or service-to-self consciousness. Those with this heart of love are the ones I choose to call in, both physically and non-physically. That heart of love is what I intend to amplify within myself. All other beings calling for 'help' can begin a self-purification process (it's ALWAYS an option) in order to balance their karma. My love for this planet runs deep (She's a Dragon Sister) and my love for lightworkers who've said Yes to Her runs deep too. I'm reaffirming my commitment to maintain healthy boundaries for our service here, for our individual humanity (we do not have to be martyrs), and for the cultivation of our freedom & joy (because those are also the gifts and the promises for our Yes). Any other bait-and-switch requests made to me or the alumni group outside of these boundaries will not be consented to.