The Oracle's Journal - Entry 1

Blessings Soul Family!

So I finally have some time to sit down and compile many of my diary entries over the past few months about some of my personal experiences, downloads, and spiritual work that has been occurring ‘behind the scenes’ in the midst of a pandemic AND revolution. Normally, I don’t really share these things but it has become apparent that it is now time to change that. As a Black woman lightworker with advanced abilities, masterful experience, and professional visibility, it is absolutely vital that I take up space and bring a different voice to much of the ‘higher, multi-dimensional’ levels as it relates to lightworkers, the sovereignty of Earth, ascension dynamics, Star Races, Dark Forces and more, because honestly….what other Black women, much less WOC in general do you see talking about these things? And in a balanced, grounded, and clear way? 


The sharing of my part of this global spiritual work is to support other lightworkers who may be having be similar experiences (you are not alone), to fill in the gaps from what is missing in terms of intel, and provide my own take (distinctly different from current Wayshowers in the ‘spiritual industry’ - a topic for another day as I’ve been unfollowing and divesting energy from a myriad of folks….more on that later). I will be sharing snippets of this on my public platforms (i.e. Instagram & Facebook) as well as here on the Blog page. Please share from any of these platforms to those who you think would like the information. 

If you have questions about the information contained herein that you do so by commenting on either the Instagram or Facebook posts. This opens up connections to others that you may be surprised to have shared awareness/experience. Being the lone lightworker is not the game plan now nor for the coming years. It’s time to pivot, network, take up space, center your humanity and hold the light-ground that has been hard won by Earth, Her children, and the Guardians. 

(On a separate note: if you’re one of those lightworkers still not in love with your own humanity, still avoiding the ‘matrix’ by not getting involved in politics & the other ‘mundane’ things of human existence, and/or trying to ‘go back home’, you should probably unfollow me now. I’m not here for you. [We’re not enemies.] I’m here for Earth and I’m here for my family.)

With that being said, if what follows does not make sense or resonate, simply ignore it. I will, of course, continue to share my monthly astrology & spiritual forecasts as usual. The sharing of my diary entries will continue until I’m all caught up. I’ve got a lot to share so this will take a while…..LOL. Enjoy!

The Oracle’s Journal - Entry 1

Important: you can think of what is being shared as ‘past’ energy but remember: time doesn’t exist for the higher dimensions, therefore the ‘past’ is very much playing out in the future, i.e. our ‘now’.

April 28, 2020 [Mercury in Taurus (1°) square Saturn in Aquarius (1°)]

I woke up at 330am and had the following experience come through over the course of 3 hours. It is a mix of visions & personal deduction on said visions at that time. The notes for this diary entry are sporadic as I was lucid the entire time, but I’ve edited a bit for clarity.


Mechanical shackles on my DNA were removed (all the base pairs) which immediately brought my attention to my Annunaki aspect back in east/southeast Africa. These shackles (AI Tech) showed as a hijacking of part of the spiritual technology in the temple attire of the Annunaki priests/priestesses and thus inserting itself into the genetic lineage of the Nubians (Nubians meaning the actual African, dark-skinned people of South Sudan). It seems referring to these priests/priestesses as Anubians is closer to the mark to denote the change from their original people instead of Annunaki as the Annunaki were behind this. This AI tech entered the abdomen space of my aspect at that time as a surprise attack as a result of some spiritual work being done to access/explore the magic/power of a black crystal shard from the giants who walked the Earth (Nephilim). The magic opened a dimensional “Eye” (portal) that connected to the lower realm and the AI tech was lying in wait. The shard had been carried in a typical sarcophagus from the calf of the Nephilim that had 'taken wife' of my Annunaki. *shudder* The Giants reached up into the sky. These women were essentially passed around, molested, etc until they were chosen by one who continually engaged in a predatory sexual manner (‘take as a wife’). The women were originally kidnapped by large cobra-like snakes when discovered in "the garden"-- in the time Sahara was a desert. The sexual exploitation brought along with the bestowing of spiritual powers and knowledge of magic, etc.

Not sure of the time distance from Nephilim/early Earth land mass movement and our known ancient Egypt as this definitely feels way before. Probably closer to 200,000 years ago...

The kidnapping and raping happened early Earth and as the women returned to Earth/reincarnated they were these Black skinned Anubians who had powerful magic abilities, worked in the temple, kept the power structure going for these beings. The AI 'enclampment' might moreso be for those with ancient Egypt priest/priestess memories, initiation processes unbeknownst to them which gave access to their DNA. Sleeper spies on both ends--light and dark--but the DNA holds the key of liberation as well as accessing consciousness (Mother).

The point/region of Earth entry came through a planetary-sized AI Tech attack at what is now called the Middle East region. Apparently, the early solar system was being scouted by floating inactive Tech. It becomes active when it comes across highly evolved consciousness (i.e. sentience) on a planet and attaches to the planet, sends out a beacon to attract the Dark Consciousness/Being/Race that operates it. The Nephilim worked with this new ‘player’ in the solar system. There were descended from higher angelic beings, specifically Archangel Azrael. He in turn is birthed from a masculine, red-horned Being at even higher levels of the realm. And this horned Being in turn is a son with a wife--who herself is a fractal of Mother Sun. It’s hard to trace this family tree--there’s a break in the ranks of the archangelic realm. Not sure of the motivation or function of these polarities at those higher levels. Realizing these were not the same energies as the Hyades (Cow Goddesses). Hence, the colonized representation of Hathor with the solar crown instead of just her horns. This is the post-infiltration-by-Nephilim visual representation of her (and subsequent conquering of lower Nubia with this Annunakian influence later in human history). The goddess itself would not have the Sun disk, i.e. like how the Hyades presented. Speaks to the power of life to hold to its children.

Did a forgiveness prayer around Azrael to the people of Earth: "I pray for your forgiveness for all ways I have hurt you, consciously or unconsciously. I forgive myself for all the ways I have hurt myself, consciously or unconsciously."

Similarities of Persephone story - the rape/kidnapping of the daughters of "Eden", i.e. those living in the Middle East as well as other cultures. The colonization happened across the world although early human hadn’t quick spread everywhere or where as easily accessed as in other regions.


There are a lot more players now that have gained access due to this initial breakdown, yet is not the sum total of what's going on. This is not the initial dragon energy that encircled the Earth in Her early days--that was Dragon-level, planetary consciousness warfare that got released already. The Dark Beings connected to AI Tech over in this region of space is different from the Miasma Beings portaling in from the Andromeda constellation region of space (who seem to be from another universal time matrix, the ones doing the polarity reversals to open the wormholes/portals). They are all parasitic in nature but go about it differently--miasma on the plasma bodies/magnetic fields from fusion sources, and AI tech under the control of these Dark Beings on the DNA as an electrical generator. “Fusion sources” as "mini Suns", i.e. life forms smaller than it--souls/core stars--which generate fuel like suns/stars do. (Not sure if these Dark Beings are intragalactic or intergalactic). The miasma is addressed at a galactic level as the access came thru the rip in spacetime with the star explosion in the heart of the Mother Dragon (Draco constellation) which affected not only the dragon consciousness coming out of it but the Lyra constellation stars/planets & surrounding stars/planets. (Review the “Heart of the Mother Dragon” channeling from last year HERE.

Work with the Arcturans helped to hybridize this higher level consciousness to work in tandem through the lineages to maintain key aspects of the consciousness. (This was ~ 18,000 years ago or more when "time" began, i.e. the split in consciousness from Source.)

What was our Sun family, i.e. high angelic Solar Being family, doing before this time, cuz it looks like boredom?? Why do they feel like wayward children, possibly spoiled? We were consciousness evolving from the building blocks of life on Earth, but our first progenitors were the Hydaes not our Sun. So why was our Sun not seeding? That might have to do with what was before. Did they lose their ability? The solar "parents" seem fine, the children weren't? Why do I feel like our sun/solar system/archangelic realm was acting a fool out here in this region of space? That cycle before seemed heavily conflictual, dark magic too, but at least indigenous to the solar system it seems. 

This is the Red Earth/Dimension just below us, the 'fallen Earth' or dimension from before. That was THAT timeline split/separation of consciousness realities or bandwidths of dimensional space. What would have been the "ascended Earth" is really our Earth now and we are in the midst of a new splitting of dimensions,  i.e. a new lower Earth is being created in conjunction with an ascended Earth at this time. It doesn't happen all at once, rather as choices over time. Gives opportunity to strengthen the magnetic field of the soul to operate in magnetic resonance with a different dimensional reality. As the difference becomes more distinct, then we will eventually be living on two different Earths--like we are now with the Red Earth--without conscious awareness or physical presence of the other. Those who are aware/awake/spiritual masters do have access to these other realities. The Solar Beings/High Angelics were more neutral or of the light however, the rest eventually paved the way for the Nephilim storyline when they should have rejected the non-indigenous Dark Beings and protected the planet.


The ascended and ascending Solar Beings are part of the newer trajectory Earth being created and they have come into the fold of higher solar consciousness by reconnecting to beneficial Solar family and more importantly to the Galactic Center/Central Sun. Those miasma portals are still running amok because we're still in this transition phase. They do not have the ability to exist in the presence of the Galactic Sun energy, they are immediately destroyed from the power. Amplifying the connections to the --- will drive out the miasma portals that are using the Sun as an access point to this solar system. Anchors for the Galactic Sun can also be placed in locations worldwide where they are infiltrating in the planetary grid. 

Are the various Guardian beings--who were put in place to protect the new Earth at the time of the bifurcation from Red Earth-- acting as anchors at important nodal points in the new grid system that holds the dimensional separation in place? They keep the "floor" solid and maintain the fabric of this reality and protect the sovereignty of the beings here. As best as possible anyway. The "off world" folk like you and me answered the call of Earth who was asking for help and protection from interstellar invasion by the warring dragon class. ("Paladins"/Knights) We protected the 'lights": the new consciousness seeds (souls) that hadn't taken root yet on the planet. All the other Nature kingdom representatives were present.

The Earth Guardians who were left behind, i.e. still standing after that initial invasion and the other various invasions over time (!!!), are also ascending and upgrading in alignment with the Newer Earth being created. ("Migration of realities") 

These are the new nodal point connected to an archangel interface, hence the vision of 'you' as the anchor of the great angel stretching out its wings over southern CA or the nodal points being held by you and the other two elder sister lightworkers. Many starseed (vs Earthseed) lightworkers play these roles building and reinforcing the new grid in their own way by acting as physical access points of the higher consciousness and places of merger with this Earth reality. This helps the protection side of things and strengthens the new "floor" being developed. It also creates a new, healthier relationship between the Sun and Earth. These archangelic Guardian placements are a commitment from the solar family to look out for the Earth beings and to be fully present, to actively engage in our well-being, to be true custodians of all life, and to join the Galactic Council once again. (!!!) Earth beings will also be introduced to the rest of the star families/consciousnesses. That is in the ascended Earth timeline, although some of it is already occurring. It will not be 'normal' until the work is complete. It takes time.

You can call in the Galactic Sun thru the Sun, keeping attention at the Sun though as the ascended Sun/Beings are already connected....this will strengthen & develop your relationship with them since you are on/connected to Galactic Council now and helps them work more effectively and efficiently in the Earth realm.

[Yes, that was one entry. Like I said, I have a lot to share. I recommend now watching the Oracle Talk’s titled Archangelic Realm HERE.]