Ancestral Continuum

Blessings Soul Family!

We are well into October and while it’s not officially Scorpio season (yet), I associate the spirit of this entire month with our ancestors. Now when I say “ancestors” I don’t mean an idea of a distant past that is separate from our actual lived experience in this moment; I mean a continuum of consciousness that continues an intention of expression of our greater monad group. Our DNA is the codex which is the recording of this timelessness (please remember there is no “time” as we understand it), 

this ever-evolving, 

this ever-present, 

this ever-unfolding Beingness that out-pictures into fractals of light (i.e. souls/singularities). 

The past is not static.

Let me repeat that….

The past is not static.

When we consider things that we would change, heal, transform, etc, we make them new and take them from one state to another. The same is true for consciousness. The same is true for the past. The same is true for our ancestors (ourselves before our ‘present’ selves). 

There is no difference between these although the appearance or perception makes us think otherwise. 

What happens when we support the healing of our ancestral lineages? They ‘elevate’ in consciousness; they shift from one state to another, and this may present in different ways, such as seeing a deceased loved one suddenly attain ‘wings’. 

What then becomes of the reference points of trauma, pain, wounding associated with them? It is also shifted from one state to another. 

What happens when our reference point in the past changes? Our future trajectory changes. And the entire associated continuum of consciousness and experience changes. 

So how do we do this work of supporting the healing of our ancestors? We start with ourselves. (Have you forgotten? Micro = Macro) The patterns of maladaptive behaviors that get passed down through the generations can be stopped by us. We can choose not to continue to perpetuate those behaviors--or thoughts/beliefs--and prioritize getting the support we need to do so. (Step 1) 

And then when we have come to a place of sufficient liberation--which only we can determine--then we can lean on spiritual means & rituals to hold sacred space for them to do that work for themselves. (Step 2) In my opinion we can’t jump to liberating them when we’re not liberated ourselves in those areas we have direct control. The reason being: we’d actually be maintaining the same consciousness at our point in “time”; we’re maintaining the other end of the agreement. Only when we’ve transformed our consciousness of--our relationship to--the core themes, can we hold a new possibility, a new choice, for others. (This is shadow work healthfully integrated into light work.) Naturally, they have free will to choose to do so. Or not. But even their refusal should not make us change from that new reference point in the ‘future’.

We are not to process their karma though. The same limitless Existence that shows up for us is the same that shows up for them. Our job first and foremost is to maintain true perception of Reality--as best as possible--and be the standard bearer. The time of assigning one’s own spiritual power into the hands of another is quickly fading--and this goes for our ancestors as well. And please know that this does not mean that we are to do everything on our own. That would be inappropriate. What it does mean is that we are to be active participants in the creation of our freedom. (Are you participating in the revolution?)

When we change, our trajectory changes. When this is done in conscious communion with our ancestors, the trajectory of the lineage changes. And when lineage change is done to a sufficient level, then together we influence the trajectory of the Monad group. 

Of course our ‘past’ is not limited to pain and trauma. No - there exists the FULL spectrum of human experience continuing to live through you as well. There are triumphs, peace, creativity, love, power, wealth (whatever that looked like for the lineages of the past), curiosity, mastery, skills, etc. We can choose to call in and strengthen these in our current experience and propagate it for future generations.

I invite us to take the time to consider where we are in this process. Here are questions you can use for journaling/contemplation:

  • As we continue to navigate the negative impacts of toxic masculine behavior in order to shift to a healthier embodiment, what are some of the prevailing dynamics between the individuals in these relationships:

  1. Your mother’s relationship to her father

  2. Your mother’s relationship to your father

  3. Your father’s relationship to his father

  4. Your father’s relationship to either an older brother or uncle (where applicable)

  • Some things are not for us to release. Some are for us to keep and transform. Take inventory of your inheritance. What maladaptive patterns in the maternal & paternal lineages have not been able to be released that are instead asking for transformation? (Shadow has wisdom.)

  • “How I’ve changed doesn’t erase what I’ve done. And what I’ve done won’t hold me back from making change.” - @bloomhomie (Figgy Baby, queer artivist) Contemplate this quote for at least 5 minutes. What actions have you taken that you are ashamed of? Have you forgiven yourself? (Note: this is a trick question. Sit in contemplation about why that is.)

  • Activity: In those areas where you are liberated, share your wisdom with your ancestors by ministering to their spirits during your regular time at the altar. (Use the Ancestral Altars workshop if you need a place to start.)

Scorpio season soon approaches along with Halloween, Day of the Dead, and a potent Harvest Moon blessed by the Great Liberator, Uranus, right at the end of the month. Let your soul say ‘Yes’ and attract other souls/ancestors who say ‘Yes’ as well. That ‘Yes’ lights the way for new possibilities to create into our physical reality. We’ve never done this before and it’s going to require a lot more honesty and looking at ‘what is’ with more agency that we’ve utilized before. 

I shared 2 impromptu messages on Instagram recently that I think may be supportive in your journey.

  1. A simple meditation sequence to support healing and balance from the elements, for self and for all HERE

  2. A message around a different way to view Death and the power of loving something into Grace. A few tears were shed. Heart openings happened. Smiles and laughter were had as also. Please share this with whoever you feel would benefit HERE

Feel free to share these with whomever you feel might benefit from them.

My Love, 

Jynnette the Oracle