Real vs. Fake - Mercury Retrograde Journey

Blessings Soul Family!

How did the contemplative writing go last week? It is my hope that it offered an opportunity to reconsider your perspective on your relationship to your ancestry as well as centered the importance of your personal healing. If you missed last week’s newsletter, you can read it HERE.

In a recent Oracle Talks the Ancestors came through with an important and different message today about giving more consideration to & taking action on our desires. Check out the message HERE. Spend time with one of your beneficial ancestors to help you develop greater courage to do so! 

As promised we’re going to dive deeper into our personal work but this time we will focus on money. This topic is incredibly difficult to tackle because there are many considerations and a whole lot of emotion connected to it. Our core needs of survival along with our self-esteem, health, and oftentimes access to potential romantic partners are interwoven with our money. And not just what we have, but also the perception of what we have. For now let's focus on perception.

Grab your journal. :-)

Exercise 1:

Write of someone who you perceive as being financially comfortable or even rich/wealthy. Really think about their life and everything that goes into creating it. 

What assumptions do you have about their financial health, i.e. how much they have, investments, disposable income, etc? 

Now that you’re clear on those, think about the assumptions you have about their character. Besides ‘successful’, what other descriptions do you have for them as a person? 

Reflection 1: 

Is any of that actually true? Do you have direct knowledge of/access to what is happening behind the scenes in their life? 

Exercise 2:

Write about how you think others perceive you. 

What assumptions are they making about your financial health based on how you present yourself

What assumptions do you think they are making about your character as a consequence?

Reflection 2: 

Is any of that actually true? Do they have direct knowledge of/access to what is happening behind the scenes in your life? Do you feel a need to present a certain way to others to show or hide your financial health?

This process of naming/seeing our unconscious frameworks can be incredibly powerful because it reveals the difference between what is true vs what is projection. And usually this difference is HUGE. That gap also shows where our energy is being depleted because it is creating a whole other reality (projection) that is not actually supported in the physical realm. This requires a lot of effort from your mental and emotional bodies! 

What happens when you drop it and get really clear about...

  • what’s here now, 

  • what you know & what you don’t, and 

  • what your heart is really asking for in this moment? 

What do you really need? What of your current needs are not getting met? Could you turn those into goals that you purposefully work towards fulfilling?

These are great questions to sit with, journal about, and discuss with friends & loved ones. Use the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio to dig deeper into the ‘tough’ topics and affirm your power - trust me, you’re stronger than you used to be, your boundaries are clearer, your foundation is more stable. 

Celebrate. Your. Wins. 

My Love,

Jynnette the Oracle