Archangelic Realm Update (February 2021)

Blessings Soul Family!

Welcome back to updates on all the changes and transitions that I and other lightworkers are being made aware of - and that have been ongoing. Note: these are not things that we are doing/facilitating, rather what we are being shown is occurring. 

If you missed the previous update, read it HERE.

The following is a recap of some of what was occurring in the latter part of January and all of February:

* On Sunday, January 24th, I received insight that the Tree Kingdom is supporting the awakening of “Earth’s angels” to build up defenses and protection for the planet.

* On Monday, January 25th, I was alerted that Tzadkiel & Tzaphkiel - the previously associated guardian archangels for the planets Jupiter and Saturn - were arrested and imprisoned in light of their actions related to improper stewardship of their power and responsibilities. Over the next few days I got word that both planets were quarantined in order to gather evidence for the Divine Courts and angelic guards were set up to encircle the planets while this ‘detective work’ happened.

* On Saturday, February 6th, Lightworker Incubator alumni and I were present for another Divine Court session where a group of angels were judged for violating and betraying Earth & Her children. These angels were Selaphial, Seraphael, and Seranael. The charges were specifically: failure to protect, conspiracy and collaboration with the enemy, attempt to steal the “sacred heart” of the Nature Kingdoms and all life on the planet, harvesting energy from that sacred heart, maintaining seals (dark magic) used for that harvesting.

The Nature Kingdoms were present for this Court session, specifically Elves, Goblins, Gnomes, Jinn, and Tree. The angel Ariel was a central focus at this time as she had been playing the role of guardian archangel for Earth even though apparently this was never her original assignment. She previously was the guardian archangel for Venus but as a consequence of the chaos that ensued from Earth being left unprotected, she chose to leave her Venus post and protect Earth instead. She went through a process of heart healing and forgiveness work around all of this. In the deliberation around what could be next for her since returning to Venus was not an option (neither she nor Venus were looking to reestablish the contract), she was allowed to take on a new form as a dragon and a new role as an enforcement agent for the Galactic Guardians (which means she’s not necessarily ‘bound’ to only working within our solar system). This new role is to align with her deep passion for protecting the innocent. 

Haniel has been and will continue to be the guardian archangel for Venus. The angel Hananel was removed and the angel Hanael was integrated - these could be considered as ‘fractals’ of Haniel.

Earth’s Essence presented in the Court to decree adjustments in relationships and power for both the Nature Kingdoms and the Archangelic Realm that would be implemented moving forward. These were: a restoration of the powers to the Nature Kingdoms which Earth Herself would distribute; Hasfael would act as a liaison to the archangelic realm (this name is referring to a collective of Earth angels rather than a single one); the angelic realm is now restricted to protecting humans/humanity and no more of the other activities - this does not include the Hasfael/liaison and Guardian/angelic armies work. Note: the Guardian archangel for Earth is in place but they are not to be named for the time being.

There is a “Council For The Transparency Of The Archangelic Realm” in place.

Archangel Uriel adjusted back to His/Their original guardian archangel role at the Sun. 

Archangel Jeremiel took over the guardian role at Uranus in Uriel’s stead (temporary move). 

Archangel Gabriel was shifted to fill that role at Jupiter. 

Archangel Iophiel was shifted to fill that role at Saturn (temporary move). 

The Great Mystery watches over Pluto and those outer planetoids. 

Archangel Chamuel remains guardian for Mars but has now taken over Archangel Michael’s role. Michael needs lots of time for healing. For those with strong Michael connections (the ‘Michael’ lines), then Chamuel is the best option to work with and then Gabriel and/or Haniel as other options if needed. 

* In the second half of February, the insight was coming through that the guardianships for Uranus and Saturn are still in flux. For Uranus this seems to be shifting to an angel named Ramiel instead of Jeremiel (this is still up in the air) and there’s more work to be done at Saturn before a new angel would be named there. 

…..ok, that’s the recap!

There is a lot of healing that must occur in the Nature kingdoms (elven, goblin, etc) related to the trauma experienced from the loss of protection and betrayals in the past. As humans our relationships with the archangelic realm, the Nature Kingdoms, and other Star Races are getting a major overhaul. Aspects of this will continue to come to conscious awareness as the implementation of Cosmic Judgment makes its way through the dimensions. Lots of karma to be balanced, lots of justice to be enacted.

There is so much healing everyone will have to do actually, but that’s the only way new relationships, new agreements, and new possibilities can be available for experience. As always, our personal work is our own and Mother/Father Source contains and guides all of us in this process. I’ll continue to keep you posted!

Here’s a list again of the current (and still changing) guardian archangel assignments:

Mercury - Raphael

Venus - Haniel

Earth - not to be named

Mars - Chamuel

Jupiter - Gabriel

Saturn - not determined yet

Uranus - Ramiel (temporary)

Neptune - Asrael

Pluto (et al) - The Great Mystery