Saturn-Pluto: The Next Generation (Channelled Message)
Blessings Soul Family!
As I’m sure you’re aware now, Saturn & Pluto have come to their long-awaited conjunction in Capricorn (22°) on January 12th while also being conjunct the Sun & Mercury through the 13th. This begins a new generational cycle, a new karmic path, for the collective until 2053. The next conjunction will occur in Pisces. I was called to check in and channel messages about what to expect spiritually for all of humanity along our highest trajectory paths and certain benchmarks we are more than likely to hit along the journey. This came through decidedly centered around consciousness levels. Because it’s such a long transit only broad strokes could be given as this is addressing billions of people at a time. Collective progress is slow but necessary for the least amount of chaos & destruction. Naturally, the more you’re consciously engaged with the process the faster this is going to go for you and additionally, the more you’ll be called upon to serve others on their journey.
Saturn - Pluto Cycle Channeling
This message is divided into approximately 4 equal parts of 8 years. Notes in the parentheses are “mine”. To keep things simple I was directed to focus on 3D, 4D, and 5D consciousness trajectories as that covers the majority of humanity at this time.
(Stage 1 - by the time this cycle ends, Pluto will have moved into Aquarius, which for me is when the Aquarian Age begins whereas from 2012 it’s been a time of transiting Ages)
For those who are within or entering the 5D (or higher) unity consciousness experience (one of many stages of ascension), the unfolding path is the merger with the 6D (or next higher level depending on where you are) by the end of the time period, breaking free from any strongholds in this dimension. Your angelic nature will also come online and may also receive your wings depending on your individual path.
For those who are within or entering the 4D unity consciousness experience, the unfolding path is the clearing and resolution of karma through the astral planes: other human incarnations, ancestry, etc. Once a certain threshold is reached (subject to the individual), then the awakening of consciousness to higher aspects/realms/star races (5D and up) will open up more easily. You will become a more conscious creator in the physical world.
For those who are within the 3D unity consciousness experience, the unfolding path is the prioritization of following the intuition. This will lead to an awakening to the communication and trust of the Higher Self which will lead you along your ascension path. You will begin the first stages of addressing astral level healing of 4D (i.e. past lives and/or ancestral) by the end of this time period.
(Stage 2)
For those who have completed the 6D (or higher) unity consciousness ascension work, the unfolding path is the merger with next level of ascension 7D (or higher). This will occur much more rapidly than previously experienced as there will be new imprints/assignments from the Galactic Center (this seems to be kicked off by the North Node transit in Sagittarius). However, it most likely will not complete as potential strongholds or negativity within the 5th dimension will need to be dealt with before full merger can occur at this level.
For those who have completed the 4D unity consciousness ascension work, the unfolding path during the first part of the stage is integration. It will be important to allow this shift to stabilize and inform all aspects of your lives. This will then move to opening up to the 5D consciousness which will set the stage for “creator incarnate” experiences.
For those who have recently entered the 4D unity consciousness ascension work, the unfolding path will see rapid & successful growth/progress in the healing of the astral realms (i.e. past lives, ancestry, etc). Once a certain threshold has been reached on the individual journey, then the opportunity to begin the opening to the 5th dimension will begin.
(Stage 3 - Saturn will be just past the halfway point of its 28 year cycle & Pluto will be finishing its time in Aquarius)
For those who have completed the 6D (or higher) unity consciousness ascension work, the unfolding path is the stabilization of the 7D work that began in the previous stage. Once sovereignty is in place then opening to the Monad group (8D) begins. This dimension speaks to the role of the soul within the group as well as the greater Oversoul objective; it is the interface between “I” consciousness and “We” consciousness. There may be strongholds/dark forces encountered here as well as revelation of non-Earth based lives (i.e. more star race experiences).
For those who have been working on merging with the 5D consciousness, then you achieve success in the first stage of this time period--that ascension work will be completed. Be open to more communication from higher level beings and star races. Take care as over time hidden root things (both personally created as well as negative infiltration) will be uprooted and exposed. Whatever you are not able to handle on your own, you are advised to seek the protection of other star races like the Arcturans to help you on your journey.
For those who may still be at the threshold between 4D & 5D, your unfolding path is to focus on healing and strengthening the physical body as well as healing the relationship to Nature/Earth. By the end of this time period, success will be achieved for a successful merger of consciousness with 5D.
(Stage 4 - Pluto enters Pisces, Saturn begins new cycle in Capricorn)
For those that have completed 7D and have been exploring 8D unity consciousness, whatever negative forces that have been present will be broken through in the first part of this time period (on an individual level). Sovereignty is to be reestablished here, the merger with 8D will complete, and the Great Purification will begin. (Umm… this line hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to reconfirm that message and it held true. This seems to be regarding higher dimensional manipulation that has been in play for millennia that can now be jettisoned because enough people have reclaimed their Soul Sovereignty.)
For those that have completed the final stages of the 5D merger, the portal will open to allow access to the 6D unity consciousness. Actively engaging with this merger is the unfolding path during this time period. Success will be achieved for the merger 6D consciousness by the end.
For those that have just crossed the threshold of merger with 5D consciousness, the first part of the time period will balance this connection. It will complete rather quickly and access to 6D will open up. Success will be achieved for the merger with 6D consciousness by the end.
My final thoughts…..
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I sat down to receive these messages as I’ve never asked for intel this far into the “future”. I’m not surprised that it was kept to consciousness and healing work as that is my primary focus and objective in my Oversoul group. Naturally, a part of me wanted to know what would be happening with the governments of the world, Earth changes, etc but I guess that’s the answer regardless: when the collective consciousness changes, everything changes. I feel like the stage 1 4D groups of people will be needing the most amount of support from those who are working within 5D or beyond as healing and clearing in the astral realms takes a long time to do. I will definitely continue to do my part of standing in that transition zone with my Lightworker Incubator offering for those who have crossed the threshold of their own foundational personal work and are ready to go beyond--whether into 4D or 5D. Holding the light and a grounded approach in the midst of the chaos of these stages cannot be underestimated. I know others will continue to answer that Call as well. It will take all of us.
Still, I can’t even begin to fathom what our world will look like at the end of this 33 year cycle. Imagine most of the people you interact with operating from a 6D consciousness... Wild! I’m most interested in these next 7 years though because it’s the soil from which the other stages will grow. I think we may actually be surprised at how quickly extremism gets neutralized (i.e. loses its charge) since the “fuel”/energy of 3D/4D will be less and less siphoned/manipulated. The message that came through in the 2020 Spiritual Forecast about the Transformer Consciousness from the Galactic Center resonates strongly here and I think it will be vital for supporting the massive transmutation work of large swaths of people in the coming decade. I’m super excited for that change, for that liberation, for that healing of deep, longstanding wounds! Lots of folks are about to get free. The Devil stay mad. :-)