A Call for Better Practices in the Spiritual Industry (Part 1)
Blessings Soul Family!
It’s been on my mind to formally address a few things that I see propagated in the Spiritual Industry/New Age communities that surround the issues of cultural appropriation, metaphysical practices, and the like. Naturally, my perspective is different and it is meant to add a specific spiritual layer to the work that is already being done by other BIWIOC (Black/Indigenous/Women of Color) addressing systemic patterns. Over time I’m sure I will add to this list in the future, but for now let’s jump right in with these topics:
Moon Rituals
Planetary Rituals
Sacred Sites
Crystal Sound Baths
Moon Rituals
We are all influenced by the moon and its phases, including our ocean. Setting intentions or holding sacred ceremony at the beginning and/or midpoints of the lunar cycle can provide us with additional support for our goals whether that be healing, clearing, manifestation, and the like. Know that in doing so magically you are engaging with Astral Level (or higher) Beings whether you’re consciously aware of it or not, therefore I encourage you to be very specific about who/what you are connecting with and set up a protected space before beginning. (Ancestors are at the Astral level, FYI, but not all of them are beneficial. Again, be specific.) If you want to get the most of participating in a ritual for personal gain, then it’s not enough to just know that it’s an Aries new moon or a Taurus full moon. You need to determine where it’s happening in your natal chart because that’s where it’s actually going to be influencing you (not to mention other astrology factors but let’s keep it simple).
The dark days of the moon--also referred to as the balsamic phase--is essentially the 2-3 days before the new moon. This is best suited for rituals around cord-cutting or deep clearing work that’s needed. Overall, I highly suggest stepping up your spiritual protection during this time (waking & sleeping hours) as Darker Forces are strongest and our energy fields are weakest.
The new moon is not a safe time to hold ritual as this is the peak of the Dark energy. I suggest waiting 2-3 days after--essentially when you start to see a sliver of the Sun’s light reflecting off the moon--before “planting new seeds”. This is for your energetic safety as the Moon is used as a portal for miasma to enter the Earth and our energy bodies. The Sun’s light provides protection which gets stronger as the full moon approaches.
For the full moon I suggest holding ritual or setting intentions 2-3 days before the actual event so that you are riding the energy into the peak light.
Also, eclipses are not the best time to hold personal ritual or ceremony either unless you truly feel as though you’ve been given instructions from the Higher Realms. More likely than not any Call to do spiritual work will be in service to the collective not the self. Regardless, defer to Higher Governance over all matters during eclipse times.
Planetary Rituals
Similar guidance holds true for the planets although there are important distinctions. You would do well to be wary of the so-called malefic planets (Mars, Saturn, Pluto) when doing ritual especially when there are major astrological events such as the recent Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Most folks don’t really get into ritual with other planets but for those who dive deep into hermetic work, just be mindful of what you’re calling in because it’s not a game “up there” as I’m sure you know by now.
Sacred Sites
One of the things that has become increasingly extensive in the last 2 decades is the appropriation & desecration of sacred sites by non-indigenous people. This can show up as events held at or around sacred sites which may also correspond to big astrological transits. Most of the time these events are being initiated and facilitated by colonizing people. The indigenous people are not centered nor or they leading such gatherings.
If something pops up that is centered on sacred sites of indigenous people and they are not the ones leading it, you should not be participating. Whether it’s Mt. Shasta, Uluru, the pyramids of Central & South America, or elsewhere, it doesn’t matter. The time for spiritual bypassing the history and proper stewardship of the land is over. (I don’t use the word “own” in reference to anyone, indigenous or not.) Events such as these has False Light written all over it. It’s also escapism and privilege. Full stop.
Group meditations for the highest good of all is generally a safe bet because it moves you out of the way. Even in situations where there is massive human suffering (remember Sudan summer 2019?), the focus should be kept to the healing and protection of all, oppressed AND oppressor alike however, stay out of the way as much as possible spiritually…this is the only way the true root can be exposed and dealt with appropriately (there's always more going on that what we’re aware of…). This also holds true for natural disasters. Pray for the balancing of the ecosystem rather than for what you think should happen to "make it better". Let the wisdom of Nature lead the way.
If you can’t stay neutral emotionally, that’s fine, just step back from inserting how you think it should be because your perspective is limited. Divert your efforts to the physical (if you’re not already doing so) in ways such as: donating money/blood, sending supplies, voting with marginalised people in mind, etc.
Crystal Sound Baths
Over the years crystal singing bowls have become a hot trend. The growth of sound bath events and the use of bowls in healing sessions or personal work has exploded. While on the surface this seems benign, please know that the use of these bowls blasts open your auric field making you susceptible to other energetic stuff, whether in private (and unbeknownst to you) or from others in groups. That's why you feel so tired or out of body afterwards. You are literally drained--and no, that’s not because of any clearing.
Metal singing bowls or metal gongs do not create this destructive effect.
Keep this in mind as a simple reference:
*crystal for light/consciousness
*metal for space/emotions
Yes, crystals can be used for healing but they do so by transmitting/maintaining a specific consciousness/electromagnetic field which a person entrains to. Sound produced by metal affects the water in the body and cuts through discord/dissonance in the environment (which also makes it great for clearing a room).
That’s it for now, but feel free to let me know some other topics you’d like me to address and I’ll write about them in a future! Email me at info@innersunalchemy.com