Where is your intuition leading you?

I want to ask you a question - 

Do you feel like you’re unprepared for your business to grow?

To be clear, I don’t mean that you feel scared or don’t believe in yourself or anything like that but rather: 

when you think about how much more is required of you as a leader and how much has to be implemented into your business–

Do you feel like you’re unprepared for your business to grow?

If you answered “yes”, then you may be thinking that you need to have a lot more expertise (university-level investment) or come up with a lot of new services and/or products. While more education and new offers may be appropriate at certain times, they usually aren’t the solution you need because they’re fixing a problem you don’t have.

I’ll say that again.

More education & more offers usually aren’t the solution you need because they’re fixing a problem you don’t have.

So then, what problem do you actually have?

Answer: A lack of strategy.

Specifically, a lack of strategy for increasing your capacity for growth, both personally and for your business. Strategy has 3 key components: your “why”, your goal, and a plan of action.

How do you know that this problem is applicable to you? You’ll notice you keep trying the same tactics over and over again, but can’t seem to make headway in your business. You’ll feel like you’re going in circles in your decision-making. You look to see what others are doing to (solely) inform what you should do.

Sound familiar?

Here’s an example of what I mean. Did you know that scaling your business doesn’t mean you have to work with more people? 🤔 I explain what I mean in this video.