Oligarchal Coup: What Can We Do?

Blessings Soul Family!

I've been sitting the past few weeks in deep thought about how to show up in my community as Oracle now that an oligarchal coup has essentially taken hold here in the United States by Trump, Musk, and the Project 2025 architects. 

When it comes to my spiritual leadership, I recognize that trying to devise a ‘plan’ for all is a misuse of my power. It's always important to speak to what one has jurisdiction in, to operate in one’s own gifts and abilities, etc. The “answers” or a “way out” is not going to be understood or championed by one person…or even an intellectual class. So with that…

To me, the gift and wisdom of the unfolding Age of Aquarius is the opportunity to expand the concept of multi-node distribution of power and resources through society. In service to my goal of soul sovereignty for all, I offer that an accessible action for every individual in the soul family is to embrace the archetype of Aquarius by staking a clear and bold claim for their node*, coupled with the understanding that nodes in harmony–rather than nodes in unison–is the goal. (*node = power, resources, influence, gifts, skills, values, beliefs, areas of expertise, etc.)

Too often I think we use the excuse that greater progress isn't made because not enough people are doing what we think they should be doing. We don't realize that showing up fully where we are is exactly what's needed

Instead, we shrink ourselves when faced with uncomfortable situations. A LOT. We don’t want to rock the boat, cause an argument, be ostracized from the group, or speak what’s on our minds. But choosing not to show up as our authentic selves or giving ground to “acceptable forms of violence” in our personal lives are fractals of the greater culture’s behavior that allows the deadly Spirit of this country (every country has a spirit) to proliferate rather than be exorcised.

Remember: Liberation happens at the intersection of our individual life (node). 

But how do we know if we are supposed to expand our node? Or when it’s time to change our node? Or even leave our node in search of another? That comes down to determining where and/or in what ways we’re making a decision or following a Call.

A Call is different than a decision. 

A decision happens when you’re weighing the pros and cons of something. A Call comes from Spirit, from your own soul. While finality is a similarity found in a decision and a Call, a Call necessarily comes with peace because it is always connected to something bigger than your current circumstances. With a decision, it will depend. 

A Call doesn’t come with a time constraint; it simply drops in at a point in your life when you’re ready. Some decisions are time sensitive. You will make decisions to carry out a Call, but a Call is not the sum total of your focus (or your existence). A poor decision can have dire consequences. Choosing not to answer a Call or leaving it at a later time, not so much; Spirit isn’t transactional like that. (Note: These are my views and not necessarily what is held in some indigenous or religious traditions.)

Calls are few and far between in one’s lifetime. They are quite rare. 

Decisions are made almost daily. They are ubiquitous.

As an Oracle, what I’m sensing in the spirit of the collective is a challenge or resistance to making decisions based on one’s “node”. Because so much in society & Nature is in flux (regardless of where we live globally), it’s like a part of us is stuck in a holding pattern because the ‘world out there’ isn’t clear. We are waiting for certainty or permission or an authority figure’s direction to take action, rather than amplifying what we know to be true of our node, our decisions, or even our Call. We think a delay is a denial.

Facing this great challenge and resistance is important. It is a faith walk. I encourage you to rewatch the Dealing With Disappointment Oracle Talks I did on February 27, 2024 which also touches on proactive measures, upgrading our approach, and more.

Helping others navigate these murky waters that affect their lives and livelihoods, and reclaim their soul sovereignty is part of my Call.

You don’t have to keep causing yourself mental strain or rehashing the same anxieties. 

You can have peace and clarity. 

You can feel at home in yourself again.

And you have options for my private support:

(FYI, I update my session availability every Saturday for the week ahead.)

My Love,

Jynnette The Oracle