If not now, when?
I bet you're thinking, "Do I really need to seek out a coach or strategist? Am I really going to see an impact?"
I can tell you that the first thing you'll notice when you do is that you can finally think clearly! The invisible fog lifts and you can feel a burden being lifted from your shoulders.
Sometimes simply being assured that you're not alone on the journey makes all the difference. 🤗
As you work with them over time you'll get better and better at making decisions, unpacking the root issue of big problems, and strengthening your personal authority.
And after you're done? Then you'll really start to see how deep the transformation has been…
Those first few months afterwards, you might notice the momentum picks up with the tactics you implemented as the metrics related to your goal(s) improves. You'll find your ideation increases and those creative juices spur more effective marketing campaigns, better confidence & boundaries with clients, new or improved offers, restorative work/life balance, and higher profit margins.
A year out you might find that your influence expands into being asked to speak or write a book or be invited to an exclusive mastermind or event; you'd see your year-over-year revenues increase as well as the number of vacations you take! 😉
Eventually, you might consider launching more business ventures, taking the lead on more initiatives for social change, and stepping into the role of a thought leader in your industry, or finally allowing yourself to explore more creative expressions…
… all of that would start with one small step of choosing to call in support that shifts the way you think, act, and embody leadership in your business.
Here are some testimonials from my clients who chose to say “Yes”:
“Adjusting my approach has impacted my ability to make decisions by making me feel a lot more confident and certain about what needs to be done and within which area of my business. It feels so good to take the guesswork, worry or uncertainty about what to do with your business, when and where, because there's just so much all the time all at once it feels like. The adjustment makes me feel much more rested and aligned. It helps me bring my best and most authentic self forward to continue to do the work.” – B.E.
“I feel a little bit of a release from feeling the need to continue to put a lot of effort into channels that aren't responding to what I have to offer. Now I am seeing how important it is for me to stay aligned with what I know has value, instead of feeling like I should shift to match what other people *think* they need. I felt a honing in of focus and a new sense of excitement that came with really landing on my business' distinct purpose. It feels good to be aligned with how my business was 'born' to exist. And also a renewed sense of trust in Spirit's timing.” – C.S.
“I didn’t realize that there was so much that I was still leaving on the table in terms of opportunity by not valuing myself.” – A.W.
“Let me tell you! I have so much more clarity. The downloads came back to the surface after being suppressed... Real tears. I feel better. I was ready to throw in the towel on my assignment. But then I remembered I have support in the Earth as in Heaven. And I had not exhausted my resources. The Spirit always knows. This is why we need coaches, therapists, and a faith community/spiritual container that holds us accountable to our assignment, while supporting our humanity, reminding us of our divinity, and calling us into bravery.” – P.W.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What big, audacious goals do you have for yourself and your business?
How are you taking steps to ensure success?
Let me know in the comments below. And if you’d like to work with me, contact me and let’s get started!