The Great Mystery Journey

Blessings Soul Family!

Welcome to Spring! And while we revel in the increased physical vitality and warmer weather that is approaching, I thought it would be a great idea to center the Pisces journey we went on: The Great Mystery walk. We’re technically in a Pisces lunar month (March 13th) and I’m sure the messages will remain relevant in these coming weeks and be the best foundation for the deeper work.

I’ve compiled a list of the links detailing the specific journey we are currently on in Oracle Talks. If you’re a new subscriber, then use this to join in this journey. If you’re returning, now is a good time to circle back to the beginning of this particular process. Either way, let this bless you!

1) Initiation - The Great Mystery brings the wisdom of ‘the observer’ to begin our journey. This is the most important message because it reiterates the importance of assessing fully before taking action. Watch HERE.

2) The Underworld - The Great Mystery lets us know in no uncertain terms that we are doing a deep dive. And this dive will take as long as it needs. Watch HERE.

3) The Interference - The Great Mystery shines the light on the very real effect negative/problematic ancestors can have on our lives. We are tasked with assessing where the most immediate interference is coming from.

Watch Part 1 HERE.

Watch Part 2 HERE.

4) Standing in our Power - We are reminded that our beneficial ancestors have our back and that while we are individual, we are not separate. Watch HERE.