March 2020 Higher Realms Update
Blessings Soul Family!
Oh my, so much has been happening in our physical world and in the non-physical realms as well. If this has been feeling like too much, then I invite you to watch the Oracle Talks where I do the guided meditation with the Sun HERE. While I know that the election cycle here in the United States coupled with the fear and panic around the now global pandemic COVID-19 is front and center in our minds and emotions, let this container of Inner Sun Alchemy be one that maintains equanimity in all things and inspires loving action toward self and others. This means taking whatever necessary precautions you need to in order to be safe as well as not pose a potential threat to others, staying connected to friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Think physical distancing not social distancing. We need each other.
This is an opportunity to open our hearts to our shared humanity. Don’t hoard, rather share your resources. There is actually enough for all of us.
This is an opportunity to exercise your political power by voting with the marginalized in mind--BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, etc. We show where the inequities and abuses of power exist in our world and governmental structures. Lean INTO what we’ve been showing you. We’ve always been raising the alarm. Have you been listening? Have you been amplifying our voices? Have you been protecting us? Have you been financially supporting us?
This is an opportunity to become a prayer warrior. Your words and intentions have power. We can serve in the midst of chaos without drowning underwater; our servicewomen and men & emergency providers do this regularly. What sets them apart? Their heart and deep-rooted groundedness (in addition to training of course).
Take this day by day--hour by hour if you have to--but choose to be better and do better in terms of how you’re showing up in the midst of transition. You don’t have to be “love and light” and you also don’t have to spiral to the darkest recesses of your mind either. If you are a part of this soul family (i.e. a subscriber and/or client), then you have a responsibility for how you show up. You influence everyone around you including the greater collective whether you realize it or not. You are the conscious presence of God in your families, work environments, and communities. Hold the standard please.
With that being said, I have been spending A LOT of time in the Spirit with my own personal upgrades as well as having to step up in a bigger leadership capacity in the Higher Realms for support. I share a bit of guidance below regarding how to support the greater healing/clearing work as well some shifting that’s happening.
Intel & Assignments
*Please participate in the meditation I recently put up on Instagram working with the Peach color to move the energy of grief out of the lungs, soften the stuck energy, and bring in healing and joy HERE.
*If you are someone who has a relative awareness of the 8th dimension (or even 6th for that matter), then you know it’s been WILD there for a long time. It does seem as though things stepped up however recently and many are asking what to do. The 8D seems to be where the Black Hole and Miasmic beings are operating from as well as the quantum realm. Assuming that it’s safe for you (and that’s for you to self-assess), use what I’m referring to as the “Liberatory Fire” of the Aqua Ray/Flame at the threshold between the 8th and 9th dimensions to help uproot these beings. You can do this in your own energy field or the collective or both. The Astral realm (the 4th dimension) could also use some support. Please also send the Liberatory Fire to the threshold of 4D and 5D and infuse more Peach color here for healing as well.
*In general, given the major fire messages from Oracle Talks 2 weeks ago with the Archangelic Realm (watch it HERE) working with the Aqua Flame is the priority for everyone regardless of function. It is of Mother Source and these non-indigenous Darker Forces do not have defences against it. It is powerful but distinctly feminine in operation. Being in “attack mode” is not going to work if you’re trying to use this Flame color however. Healing and wholeness is the objective along with the safe removal of anything that is not in alignment. Aqua is of the Cosmic Heart as well. Additionally, you may find that working with the Purple Fire and Magenta Fire might come up or be needed to help you ground.
*Prioritize working with the feminine archangels and angels. In fact, the feminine aspects of any being that you connect with! Remember this ratio: 60/40 with the feminine being the greater value. For those who are predominantly transformers, this should be at least 90% for you.
*If you are needing higher level support, then work with the Lion Beings from Regulus A (the blue-white star at the heart of the Leo constellation). If you’re already seeing Lions (whether the animals or the star races), that’s an indication that you need to work with them and call in their protection, support, and assistance both for yourself but all for others. Meditate with them. Spend time with them. Let them strengthen you and your heart. Lion Beings have been showing up for me the past few years, however their presence stepped up considerably when the North Node shifted into Cancer.
*For those called to gatekeeping or more global/planetary work, I’m sure you already know that there are entry points along the Earth’s tectonic plates and other areas (land and sea) where there are portals for entry/exit by Darker Forces and collection of energy from beings below 8D. Send your 9D (and above) aspects and teams there with the Liberatory Fire. If you don’t know those beings on your team, simply direct the angels that work with you to support that work that others are doing.
*You may also already be aware of the portals near the Sun that these Darker Forces use to access our solar system (among other locations like the Moon or Saturn). I’m personally interested in learning about how to disable these portals, the mechanics behind the mimicry , and how to reverse the DNA reversals on a larger scale especially for the Twin Rays out there.
*There is another universe that’s a mirror to our own which is just below the Quantum realm, or rather opposite of our own like the antiparticle to our particle. [Note: As far as I can tell, this is not simply a lower dimensional Earth although that exists/ed and it's the "Red World" if that rings a bell in your memory by chance. It is literally a Dark Earth run by Dark Races and is rarely known by Ancient souls. To date I've only come across 2 people who have soul memory of Earth in the early time of our Solar System and this other dimensional Earth. It was/is a scary place.] This universe on the other side of our Quantum Field has some powerful Dark Beings. I was only shown this place once before in early last year when I started on higher level polarity soul work. There was literally a Plexiglass-like barrier between me and that Universe. It was completely black as far as I could tell. I saw one being that looked like a dark version of my higher self and another that was a massive sized demon. I was not allowed to directly interact with or integrate these beings for healing/wholeness and I couldn't understand why at the time, but now I do. I had thought it was simply another dimension; now I know it was another "Universe". I think these Beings that are using these portals are finding ways to punch through the barrier between our universes (I'm still researching & going into council often for greater clarity).
*Important adjustment for the Earth Star chakra: it is not literally where you "plug into" the Earth, rather it represents the frequency bandwidth that supports physical form. It is located less that an inch below your feet. It is advised not to visualize or intend that you are sending this chakra down to Earth's physical core to connect as this pierces your auric field and leaves you susceptible to penetration/infiltration from below. One alternative way to work with this chakra is to vibrate the chakra to the tone of Mother Earth; this will feed more energy into your physical body and, more importantly, make you a closed/contained, self-perpetuating energy body. This is another way to look at the ascension path... connecting deeply to Source energy without needing to operate parasitically. Energy is generated by vibration. Vibration is under Consciousness control. Intention and focus can shift vibration and consequently generate energy or deplete it.
*Painful experiences can "split" our consciousness by creating a holding pattern if we do not immediately process the event at all levels. It literally stops the flow of our energy consciousness and "freezes" it. This frozen energy is what entities feed off of and collect to fuel the larger Darker Forces' control over the collective. You must understand how important your own personal healing is! If you don't do anything else, this is the greatest gift and act of service possible. You don't need to go to war with the Dark--unless you've been called to do so. You NEED psychotherapy (the foundation), an overhaul of your physical body (scaffolding), and energy healing (the circuitry & insulation). In that order. Jumping to energy work without having addressed the first two will do more damage. [Just because you've "moved on" mentally does not mean the energy consciousness is healed.] When you do enough personal healing, then you will evolve into past life incarnation healing, then ancestral, and so on. This will happen in an upward spiral and you WILL circle back around to chip away at another aspect of healing from the personal level to start the process again.
*Each time I try to go into council for these topics, I get guided to do more personal upgrades so that’s what I’ve been doing. Hours per day in meditation and energy work with my team and Galactic Level beings. If you have information about these topics, please share with me so that I can do my own research and spread the word to the other lightworkers I work with. Thank you!
*I am still working with the archangels in terms of training and assignments. There’s so much going on and having some type of overall game plan for everyone is a new “challenge”. I’m here for it though. I’ll continue to share more as things get into a better flow.
*Lastly, send healing energy from the Cosmic Heart to the medical professionals, business owners, and government officials at all levels (local to international). Yes, ALL of them. Pray and meditate on them coming to a place of Divine Neutrality to work on behalf of the greatest good of all as it relates to COVID 19 in recognition that this a “We” thing and not a “Me” thing. Ground everything to the power of the Earth Element and the Aqua Flame.
Everything in service to Unity Consciousness and for the highest and greatest good (not what you think “should” happen).