Announcing the new alumni group!
The Call of Spirit to support the ascension of the Souls of Humanity and the Nature Kingdoms is clear and strong. We are at a time of great change and expansion even in the midst of apparent turmoil.
I was led to bring back the Lightworker Incubator alumni group so that there would be a central place for this work to grow and expand in community.
The key areas of focus for the group include:
Ancestral healing and elevation
Earth Guardianship by gridworking, portal/vortex keeping, and working with the Nature Kingdoms
Council meetings within and between the realms
Ambassadorship within our solar system and beyond
Protecting against and rooting out dark forces that attack the Souls of Humanity and the other Nature Kingdoms
Of course what would a group be without from free bonuses? Some of the resources provided when you join the new alumni group include are:
▪︎ All of the New Maya Meditations videos which include:
Energetic Connection to New Maya
For Ancestors: Energetic Connection to New Maya
For Spirit Team: Energetic Connection to New Maya
▪︎ Affirmations and Journal Prompts
▪︎ "Turning The Wheel of Karma" astrology workshop
In addition, you'll receive 20% off Individual Coaching sessions and energy healing sessions with a unique discount code.
We'll meet twice per month on Saturdays at 10amPT/1pmET.
These sessions are time to review what's going on and strategize for the future rather than "wait" to do our spiritual work. The bulk of communication and work will be happening via written posts throughout the week. Spirit doesn't wait till Saturday so we won't be either. 😁. All sessions will be recorded for referencing whether you’re able to attend live or not.
The monthly rate is only $50/month. It is automatically deducted each month and you can join or cancel at any time.
Let us not be deterred from our greater mission of love and service to ourselves and others when it comes to using our spiritual gifts to co-create our ascension. Our success is collective and it's time to lean into our powerful group.