Accelerate Your Aquarian Age Ascension
The Lightworker Incubator is a 6 month, small group coaching program for people looking to reclaim their soul power, deepen their relationship to their spirit family, and gain tools to live a more balanced and enriching life.
Enrollment for the next cohort opens May 1st.
Over the course of 6 months in the Lightworker Incubator, we’ll focus on a specific theme, building upon the previous month to help evolve your awareness of the energetics of your soul, improve your high-sense perceptions (i.e. clair abilities), and strengthen your energetic field.
Program Structure
The Lightworker Incubator will accelerate your Aquarian Age ascension process and is designed in such a way to give you ample time to practice the things you learn AND have time to embody them into your life. The program consists of:
Live group sessions twice per month on Saturdays at 8am PT
Video trainings on a variety of topics
Weekly activities to explore more deeply what you’re learning
Daily self-facilitated energy balancing
Designated time each month for integration & rest
A community of like-spirited people like you!
Month 1: The Foundation
Getting Started & Working With Your Ancestors
Self Care & Protection
Soul Purpose & Manifestation Cycles
Integration Week
Month 2: The Tools
Aura & Higher Dimensional Chakras
The Akashic Records & Dark Forces
The 12 Rays
Integration Week
Month 3: The Team
Ancestors, God Families, & Planets
The Archangelic Realm
Higher Dimensions & Star Races
Integration Week
Month 4: The Intention
Lightworker Roles
Month 5: The Integration
Earth element journey
Water element journey
Air element journey
Fire element journey
Month 6: The Preparation
Self-Assessment & Closing
Session Dates
(Saturdays mornings - Pacific Timezone)
Month 1:
Month 2:
Month 3:
Month 4:
Month 5:
Month 6:
How this program began…
In 2018 I created a growth container designed to evolve the roles of lightworkers by distilling the wisdom I'd obtained over 25 years. Essentially, it was time to create a program for lightworker training. And so the Lightworker Incubator was born.
The intended result? Strength and courage to live out the next stage of their lightworker role with the skills & tools to do so.
I pulled together key insights and methodologies from my own spiritual journey into a program that would safely accelerate the ascension of soul consciousness and increase energetic power in those who would participate. To be clear, the Lightworker Incubator is designed to build upon the foundation that you already have in place after working with therapists/coaches, reconnecting to your body, maintaining self-care practices, and opening up your spirit connection.
What results can you expect?
You will develop relationships with more of your spirit family.
You will become more in harmony with your soul.
You will feel more empowered and have more effective tools to handle tough times.
You will learn how to leverage astrology and other metaphysical tools to achieve success.
You will gain clarity about the next step in your soul purpose.
You will evolve your role as a lightworker.
You will expand your network of lightworkers….
From learning new spiritual tools to exploring the support systems available to you, the Lightworker Incubator has got you covered! With the resources, instruction, and live sessions offered, this program will help you implement metaphysics into your life and embody the “True You”!
If you’re ready to receive extraordinary support as you say ‘Yes’ to step into more of your power and be a conscious co-creator of a miraculous life, then apply to join today!
Program Cost
The Lightworker Incubator valued at over $6,000, but your cost is only $2,100 (or $350/month), a savings of 65%! You’ll also receive the following FREE gifts during the program:
▪︎ Accelerating Ascension - four, 1-hour audio tracks for energy healing (valued at $50)
▪︎ Divination Through Tarot - 8 hour video course training you on intermediate to advanced ways to use tarot as a divination tool (valued at $125)
▪︎ New Maya Meditations - 3 video meditations to align you, your ancestors, and your spirit team with the highest ascension timeline of the Aquarian Age (valued at $50)
Enrollment for the summer cohort opens May 1, 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
1) How do I know if this is really for me?
First, ask God. Being drawn this program is a clear Calling.
Second, take time to think about where you are currently. Here are some great reflection questions:
Are you noticing that you’ve gone as far as you can on your own?
Do you want more than what’s being offered by other teachers/coaches in the greater spiritual community?
Are you realizing that you need more support over a longer period of time to integrate transformative changes in your life?
Is what you’re currently doing not working as well as it used to?
Third, take time to think about if you would be able to show up for the program: Do you have the time & attention to invest? Are you willing to take action? Are you committed to being consistent and trusting the process? Where do you want to be in 6 months?
2) Do I know enough for this program?
This program is designed to fortify the foundation of where you already are and support your development as you stretch. It is an accelerator. The tools and techniques are given over time with lots space incorporated for practice and integration. Remember that the goal is practical application, not theory. You will naturally grow if you do the homework consistently, not perfectly. Focus on what resonates for YOU and strengthen that rather than try to master everything. Your path is your own. Your job is focus on your development.
3) What supplies do I need?
You will only be required to purchase 14 small crystals and a few dried herbs (not ingested) for use during the program. These are outlined in the Welcome Packet you’ll receive when you start the program. Some of these you may already have in your possession and in that case, you will asked to utilize those strictly for the personal use as instructed in the program and not for other things; depending on your circumstances, you may prefer to just purchase separate items designated just for the program.
4) What is your refund policy?
There are no refunds on payments that have already been made. You will not be charged a cancellation fee for leaving early nor will you be charged for future monthly payments; however there are no refunds on payments made. If you cancel before all payments are made, you will lose access to the program materials.
5) What if I need additional support?
You will receive lots of support in the weekly sessions but if you feel like you need more or would prefer to talk privately, then there is a unique booking link provided for participants where you can schedule a paid, private session with me. I will answer any questions you may have and/or talk through what’s coming up for you. This program is not a substitute for therapy, body work, or any other mental health, trauma support, or self-care practices you may need.
More praise for the Lightworker Incubator!
“I feel my clairsentience and claircognizance has gotten noticeably stronger. I can discern better with my moods vs. intuition. I have more tools to protect my energy, and language around taking care of my energy. I can see myself invoking Higher Beings and using crystals while working with clients. And of course, I feel clearer about my work knowing my role as a lightworker is a healer. I also deeply appreciate learning about cord cutting. I think prior to the course, it just felt like a mess of energy to me but I didn't know how to discern. Now, I have a better idea of how that energy manifests and can impact me and others. The biggest lesson I got from the course is that I'm not alone and I've never been alone. And from knowing that -- like truly knowing vs. thinking I know -- I feel overall lighter, and life makes more sense. It is important to me to allow myself to flourish and continue my journey to spiritual maturity after having learned from my big sister.” - Hien
“I would say the biggest thing I learned from class in regards to spiritual maturity and divine consent though is that a great wayshower knows how to healthily arm people with the reinforcement, tools, knowledge, and passageways of spiritual work without doing or determining anything for them. This gives being a lightworker the purity and individuality that it truly is, and the empowerment for other people involved to do the work for themselves. What you do with your gifts are yours, but you don’t have to spend your entire life on earth alone in the dark trying to figure it out either. Your ability to work with your team and use your own personal divine consent effectively is what gives you access to your higher dimensions, more so than any class, or reading you seek outside of yourself. That is a maturity I see in myself after taking this course, with the example being set by a great teacher like you.” - Cara
“Clair’s are stronger now! Clairgustience is fully online which it was not prior to the class! My constitution is stronger, I’m able to work with more clients than before without feeling spread too thin. I’m able to work intimately with the archangels which I never did before.” - Rasia
“Working with therapy clients, I feel much more grounded in my energy and like I'm not merging with their energies or getting confused about what belongs to me and what belongs to them. I'm able to maintain more clarity and equanimity in session and feel more energized, empowered, and contained, which in turn, helps me show up for my clients in a way that is better for both them and me.” - Susan
Jynnette has put an incredible amount of time and energy into quickly but safely ushering us to the next level of our spiritual development. The combination of teaching, facilitated experiences, and divination work provides an incredibly rich opportunity for anybody invested in honing their clair abilities and managing their own energetic field. My sense of what is available to me -- in terms of my own personal power and in the way of divine support -- has grown immensely. I have grown closer to my guides, closer to my purpose, and closer to the essence of what I understand as "divine truth." It is powerful to do this work in such an intimate, wise and sacred container. Much has transpired and much has transformed. - Elizabeth
“I feel more grounded in my own energy. More like I'm emitting rather than reacting/responded to everyone else's energy and able to delineate even more clearly what is mine and what belongs to others. I feel like my clairsentience and claircognizance have gotten stronger. Working with therapy clients, I feel much more grounded in my energy and like I'm not merging with their energies or getting confused about what belongs to me and what belongs to them. I'm able to maintain more clarity and equanimity in session and feel more energized, empowered, and contained, which in turn, helps me show up for my clients in a way that is better for both them and me. I also feel a stronger connection to archangels and my ancestors for the first time feeling both show up for me in ways they didn't before. It was also just beautiful to share space with other lightworkers doing a wide variety of work and hear about everyone's journey. I valued the communal aspect. I hadn't met too many lightworkers who were serious about their ascension journey prior to this and it was really cool to see mirrors of people doing the work and showing up and dealing with similar struggles as well as things I hadn't heard of. Love you, the academy, and this work soooo much!” — Anonymous
This program is educational in nature and is not to be a substitute for mental health or other professional services. If you have recently received or are currently receiving treatment from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or counselor for an ongoing mental or physical health problem, you are advised to obtain proper approval from your mental health or medical professional before proceeding further with this program. If you have recently or are currently going through a traumatic life event such as separation from a partner, the death fo a close family member or friend, or redundancy in a pre-existing condition, you are encouraged to seek and maintain support from a mental health professional. Due to the nature of this program, there are potential side effects that can arise related to self-inquiry or trauma exploration. If for any reason you are unable to or choose not to engage with this program, you will not be forced or coerced to do so nor are you under any obligation to do so. If you find that you experience unpleasant or challenging thoughts, emotions, or sensations, you are encouraged to seek help from your own mental health provider. You will not hold Inner Sun Alchemy LLC liable for any consequences incurred from engaging with this program.